Christians Say Katrina Sent By God To Punish New Orleans

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Fundamentalist Christian organization' Repent America claims that Hurricane Katrina's devastation of New Orleans was wrought by God in response to the city's tolerance of New Orleans annual "Southern Decadance" gay pride event.



Posted by k m f on 2005-09-09 05:20:08
good things those christians are all about tolerance, yeah right. i think what the ignorant christians overlooked is that new orleans wasn't directly hit and oh yeah, THERE IS NOT A REAL PERSON SUCH AS A GOD! it is just a religion. it is for people who don't feel safe or secure. it is NOT REAL! come back to earth where no one controls hurricanes. but since we are on the subject I would like to ask those uneducated christians " then who were the other 10 hurricanes sent to punish? the fish? what did florida do to deserve a hurricane?" so if you think some fabricated god is using hurricanes (do you know how rediculous that sounds? ) to punish people christians are more retarded than I thought. Because most people that were killed or affected believe in a god ( i know it's stupid ) and probably took no part in any of these said acts- usually it's tourists who do most of the 'sinning'. so why didn't this god drive that hurricane around through all of the lower forty 8 states, and go door-to-door looking for the tourists that were at mardi gras and girls gone wild? instead of wiping out people who had nothing to do with it. yep christians have reached a whole new level of stupudity. congratulations. you finally let everyone know how simple-minded you are. and thus a GOOD CHRISTIAN "shall not judge" ever heard of that. you christians are going to hell-you judged see you later bye bye good ridance.
How Christian Of You
Posted by jesus on 2005-09-12 02:28:09
Most gay men and women are more christian like than the people who claim to be christian. The people who want to believe they know their god's plan are no different than the people who hung and nailed jesus to the cross!
Posted by faith belief and trust on 2005-09-12 23:23:38
okay,well,these are not true christian avoisly..and there is a christ....we all have different beliefs...but if there was no god how was this whole world made huh?tell me that..anyways...oh yea i believe jesus died for our sins so there is no right or wrong..and yea...these christians really need to get saved before they die..anyways i am out peayyyyce!!!-reeseeeeeeee
Posted by DibbleDabble on 2005-09-14 14:07:08
God had NOTHING to do with this tragedy. The devil comes to steal,kill,and destroy! READ THE BIBLE! God is merciful but he cannot protect those who will not repent.God does not interfere with a mans own will. He loves everyone the same,he just doesn't love the way some are living and that goes for everyone everywhere.New Orleans is no more sinful that any other city. Thank-You from TEXAS.
Posted by angelwings on 2005-09-16 00:46:12
Let me try and explain this,the devil causes destuction and kos.God does not interfer bcuz he gives us free will to do as we please.But everybody trys to do everything their self we all think we r so independent and don't need God.The only time we call out to him is n desperation.So he waits until we have nothing and then we call out to him and he steps n to help. bcuz thats when we trust him.
And God is here at work through every hand working be it a police officer, a nurse,a person come to save animals or just someone, he sent to give a gift of money. He sent us all.And its up to us all to do our part to help.Thats why we r here. to learn and to help each other and to learn to get along.So we can b together n eternity.This is but a school.A level of understanding like and grade n school.And when we die we go to another level.
But ur right Christains do give god a bad name. organized religion does things n his name that r apolling.And run more people away from God then they ever will bring in.
Posted by bmp on 2005-09-16 17:34:07
k m f is totally right!! GO K M F!!!
God? Devil? Where?
Posted by Norton on 2005-09-17 16:30:38
So you're saying the devil is responsible for the hurricane? And God is merciful? Is or isn't God Omnipotent? If he is then why doesn't he prevent these tragedies? Are you suggesting that the only people who suffered here are those who aren't true Christians?
God doesn't care anymore...
Posted by SN Man on 2005-09-28 14:49:10
Christians say this, christians say that. These people really want to get to Heaven, don't they? I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they start letting the gay people in just because they were nice people. You don't have to go to church every Sunday, or put a lame fish on your bumper to let everyone stuck behind you in a traffic jam know that your going to Heaven and they aren't because they had a different lifestyle or practiced a different religion with similar beliefs, but it still wasn't the same one. Christians are the "annoying suck-ups that volunteer to right the bad kids names on the board while the teacher is gone" of the religous world. It's too bad I'll be spending my time in Hell. At least no one going to care what I do down there, because I already did it up here.


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