Online Olympics coverage blocked

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Many of you may be excited about the 2004 Summer Olympics in Greece. Unfortunately, in the USA, NBC's exclusive contract regarding licensing of the content has forced outlets in other countries to limit access to superior coverage online. Other sites such as BBC have live coverage that they're forced to restrict access to from people in the United States. To make matters worse, NBC is requiring viewers to enter their credit card number online to prove they're within the proper region in order to gain access to some online Olympics content.


Posted by Anonymous on 2004-08-15 13:19:39
What really annoys me, though, is being forced to listen to such blatantly political commentary. What am I talking about, you ask? During the opening ceremony, those morons doing the commentary for NBC made every attempt to point out the places where Islamic groups were "causing" strife. They couldn't seem to resist talking about the problems in the Sudan caused by the Muslims. They also made every effort to talk up how much the US has helped our little brown brothers we liberated in Afghanistan and Iraq, and had the gall to complain about the torture used by the Iraqi training program! I guess torture is OK in the name of national defense but not in the name of national pride.

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