Soldier Leonard Clark Arrested In Iraq

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A major voice in blogspace from the war front in Iraq has been self-proclaimed liberal soldier Leonard Clark, who maintained a blog of his activities and views while on patrol. He's now been arrested. There's lots of speculation over what the military's intent is on this issue. Some feel they're trying to stifle any public voice of dissent or disapproval from their ranks. The military claims that Clark was involved in illegal campaign activities which are a violation of some of their rules.

It's worth debating whether: a) There really is any national security at risk here, and if so, is the nature of what constitutes a "national security risk" overly broad and restrictive of free speech rights? b) Is ones' credibility damaged if they appear to be critical of current events while at the same time looking to enter politics? The problem I had with Clark's blog was that it was hard to give his criticisms as much legitimacy when it seemed he was using his embedded position to promote a potential political career.





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