CNN: The Cheese News Network

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[News Media]
It must be a slow news day... CNN downplays apparently mundane issues like drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Social Security, Decreased life expectancy due to childhood obesity, Wolfowitz, Bolton, Italy leaving Coalition of the "Willing", Syrian intelligence agents leaving Beirut, Darfur genocide, Americans still without healthcare, lots of wars, dead soldiers and Iraqis and what is CNN doing?

Running front page stories about steroid-using baseball players that nobody cares about. This is the crap that our Congress wastes their time with, instead of investigating more substantive issues like: Jeff Gannon, Robert Novak outing Plame, Vote tampering in Ohio & Florida, non-existent WMDs, Enron/Haliburton/Cheney, POW abuse in Iraq/Gitmo, etc.





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