Pop Star's "Held Hostage" Album Mysteriously Appears Online

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It seems Fiona Apple, dark pop songstress who disappeared from the scene several years ago is again making news. Apparently she put out an album called, Extraordinary Machine, that her record label, Sony, didn't feel contained an appropriate pop single, so they held her work hostage and wouldn't release the album. Now tracks from this album have mysteriously appeared on the Internet, delighting her fans. The irony is that for all the bad-guy-image Sony may inherit from this scenario, they'll probably ride this net-buzz all the way to the bank, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone in the company actually leaked the album to create a buzz.




Not from Apple, you think?
Posted by Arcos Plage on 2007-06-18 21:47:15
What makes you think Fiona Apple didn't market it herself? That would be a clever act of revenge, if not outright pandeism for making the world a better place....


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