Bush: No Politician Left Behind
Posted by Pile
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Seeking to build support among black families for its education reform law, the Bush administration paid Armstrong Williams, a prominent black pundit $240,000 to promote the No-Child-Left-Behind policy on his nationally syndicated television show and to urge other black journalists to do the same |
The campaign, part of an effort to promote No Child Left Behind (NCLB), required commentator Armstrong Williams "to regularly comment on NCLB during the course of his broadcasts," and to interview Education Secretary Rod Paige for TV and radio spots that aired during the show in 2004.
Williams said Thursday he understands that critics could find the arrangement unethical, but "I wanted to do it because it's something I believe in."
Give anyone $240,000 and you'll make them a believer. This further substantiates my theory that there are no real black conservatives that aren't whores. What a bunch of wankers.
Tribune Media Services, having one of their pundits caught red-handed, had no recourse but to fire the scumbag. |
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