Eminem's political video

Posted by RantMaster (12628 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Rapper Eminem has unveiled a radical new music video in association with the graphic artists at GNN, called, "Mosh" - Catch the video - because it's unlikely it will be shown much on television.

Stream the Eminem video here in Quicktime or Windows Media.

On the rare chance that MTV may actually air this video, you can vote for it on TRL but it's not among the nominees so you'll have to select "other" and then enter "Mosh" by Eminem.


Posted by wizeGurl on 2004-10-25 22:43:00
Wow, that's a powerful video. Hope MTV will have the guts to show it.
Never happened...
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-18 13:25:21
I've yet to see this video on ANY of the MTV stations. They're too busy playing the "controversial" video about Jacko. It's a shame since this video had a REAL message.

Is it just me or is Eminem becomming a new version of Weird Al?
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-12-24 13:26:12
its been put on MTV whole lots, even though it is controversial
Funny Stuff
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-01-04 07:15:41
It's been on MTV for the past month or two.

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