Golf Has FINALLY Become More Exciting

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Florida, a state I really CAN get too much of, offers its exciting take on the relatively unexciting sport (I resisted the urge to put quotes around that, I'm saving them for a NASCAR story). A Venice, Florida man was looking for his ball in a golf course pond when he almost found his maker instead.

Bruce Burger (the alliteration is delightful) had his arm latched on to by an 11-foot, one-eyed alligator (it is unclear if the gator lost his eye to Burger's slice) and was pulled into the very hazard where his ball had landed. Burger proceeded to smack the reptile with his left arm until the big sucker released him. Burger was not seriously injured and neither was the gator, although it took Fish and Wildlife grouper troopers an hour to trap him.



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