They're NOT Loving It!

Posted by ueberbill (6556 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Four masked men threw gasoline bombs into a closed McDonald's in the troubled town of Oaxaca, Mexico on Sunday. They damaged windows, seats, and a play area (not the ball pit, NO!). No one was hurt and security personnel were able to extinguish the fires. Evidently people down there hate the McRib (it's back!) as much as I do.

Activists who were protesting the state government of Oaxaca had set up in the city's main plaza and had firebombed a Burger King in the same mall as the McD's last week. The leaders of that group, however, deny that they were responsible for this particular fast food franchise flame-broiling. McDonald's was responsible for a controversy in 2002 when community groups protested the opening of a restaurant in Oaxaca's historic main square but the current conflict is a fight between leftist protesters and the state governer of Oaxaca.





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