Election Dirty Tricks Get Even Nastier

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As if it weren't possible, some groups are not playing fair, intimidating voters, and deploying various dirty tricks to affect the vote. (This article is going to be continually updated with more news, so be sure to bookmark it.)
  • In an apparent violation of FCC rules, conservative talk radio station KFBK 1530 AM in Sacramento transmitted a paid political advertisement to an unknown number of other stations in the area using the Federal Emergency Alert System (EAS), thus automatically forcing the ad onto the stations' airwaves.

  • Republican Senate candidate from Maryland Michael Steele and Republican Gubenatorial candidate Robert Erlich crank out a fake "democrat voting guide" with bogus endorsements to mislead the other party's voters into thinking they're democrats when they're really republicans.

  • Tim Daly from Clarendon, Virginia got a call on his voicemail saying that if he votes Tuesday, he will be arrested. There are also widespread reports of calls from election "volunteers" telling VA voters that polling locations have changed that are completely bogus.

  • "Phone Spam" by Republicans pretending to be Democrats: There are reports from at least seven states of voters being harassed by multiple phone calls with recorded messages--"robocalls"--that appear to be a devious manipulation of voter's pre-election advertisement overload. A typical example was described in Pennsylvania's hotly contested 6th Congressional District, in the Philadelphia suburbs, where incumbent Republican Jim Gerlach is locked in a statistical dead heat with challenger Lois Murphy. The calls begin by offering "important information about Lois Murphy," leading voters to assume the call is from her campaign. Most recipients slam down the phone before finding out otherwise--and then call to complain. A Philadelphia Inquirer columnist did some researching and found that in fact the calls were being paid for by the National Republican Congressional Committee, which spent over $21,000 in the past week alone on anti-Murphy phone bank expenses. NRCC spokesman Ed Petru readily admitted the scheme, noting that they wouldn't be spending money on robocalls if they weren't working. He added, no doubt with a straight face, "We don't think there's such a thing as an overinformed voter."

  • The Democratic Voter Protection Hotline is being flooded by prank phone calls - a tactic, no doubt by a few mean-spirited activists who want to disrupt complaints of voter suppression reports.

    Remember to vote Tuesday!

    Bring a video camera if you can to catch what's going on. Preserve America's democracy!

Have you heard of something suspicious going on? Post your info in the comments here. We're going to be compiling an ongoing list (with references) of anything we can document.

See also Black Box Voting front line reports.


Article SUCKS!
Posted by Joe Bleaux on 2006-11-13 09:28:04
It appears you have conveniently LEFT out all the misdeeds of the Democrats. You suck as bad as Fox News!


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