NBC To Dixie Chicks: Shut Up And Sing

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Citing its policy barring ads dealing with "public controversy," the NBC network said on Friday it rejected a TV commercial for a new film documenting the furor over the Dixie Chicks' criticism of President George W. Bush.

The ad features footage of lead singer Natalie Maines declaring during a London concert in March 2003 that the band was "ashamed" to come from the same state -- Texas -- as Bush.

Since when has being ashamed of the president been "controversial?"

Check out the trailer for this interesting documentary here.



Posted by Jerry on 2009-01-12 04:02:30
Hey. One thing I've learned in all these years is not to make love when you really don't feel it; there's probably nothing worse you can do to yourself than that.
I am from Canada and learning to read in English, give please true I wrote the following sentence: "People tend to write clich; and banal sentences that mostly state that they want to be challenged."

Thank you very much :-(. Jerry.


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