A Great Place for Online Sex

Posted by wizeGurl (7341 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

You can't make this stuff up, folks...it seems that the Foley story just keeps getting more and more icky. Now the investigative reporters at ABC News have discovered that Congressman Foley (R-Florida) was engaging in a little online sexual banter...including description of the extected payoff of such banter...while on the floor of the House of Representatives, awaiting a vote to increase funding for the Iraq war.

This message was dated April 2003, at approximately 7 p.m., according to the message time stamp.

Maf54: I miss you
Teen: ya me too
Maf54: we are still voting
Maf54: you miss me too

The exchange continues in which Foley and the teen both appear to describe having orgasms.
Maf54: ok..i better go vote..did you know you would have this effect on me
Teen: lol I guessed
Teen: ya go vote…I don't want to keep you from doing our job
Maf54: can I have a good kiss goodnight
Teen: :-*

Eeeeuuuuw. I'm sure that the soldiers in Iraq appreciated what their supporter in Congress was doing while voting for more funding to keep the war going. Yes, I'm sure that they are fighting for their political representatives' God-given right as Americans to continue sexually harassing underage boys.

More on the story.


Posted by 98gf on 2006-11-01 23:49:29
I really like your great site, useful and pleasant for the eye.
Warm regards 98gf!


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