Pastors' Crusade for Conservative Candidates

Posted by ueberbill (5803 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

A movement among conservative pastors is afoot to drive their flock into the arms of the GOP. They declare that "they owe it to God and to their own moral principles to do everything they can to keep social conservatives in power."

These "patriot pastors" are intentionally pushing at the line laid down by a 1954 law preventing any tax-exempt organization from trying to affect the outcome of political campaigns.

An online guide, developed by (who else) Focus on the Family, offers the tip that if a potential voting congregant says their priorities are national security and health care, then they should be told Jesus's priorities would be gay marriage and abortion. And making sure you can cyber-molest sixteen-year-olds. The law that this potentially violates (although breaking it rarely leads to serious sanctions) was pushed by then-Senator Lyndon B. Johnson, who was pissed at nonprofits' efforts to kill his re-election. It doesn't require a guilt-trip from your local conservative preacher to get out the vote, though--progressive faithful are lining up to vote as well--between 2000 and 2004, voter turnout among Jews and progressive Protestants was up 15% and 13% respectively.





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