Myspace Picture Leads To Arrest

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Here's a suggestion to you kids out there. I know it's a tough life for you, with parents and school and all that stuff. But if you're running around toting a backpack and car containing hashish, marijuana, compact digital scales, packaging materials, bongs, 4 knives, over a dozen hypodermic syringes, gun powder and potassium nitrate, you might not want to call attention to yourself with a picture of you smoking from a Bong on Myspace. Just a thought. Getting busted trying to make homemade bombs might be a drag, not to mention the whole, "Look at me world, I smoke pot" Myspace attention grab.

A photo posted on showing a Placer County high school student smoking marijuana has led to his arrest on numerous felony charges including intention to make destructive devices.

Placer County Sheriff's deputies arrested 18-year-old Del Oro High student Daniel Blanchard on Friday May 5th. The investigation into Blanchard started after the Placer County Deputy Sheriff Ryan Berry saw a picture of Blanchard smoking a "bong" on

Berry is the School Resource Officer assigned to Del Oro High. The Placer County Sheriff's department says when Berry question Blanchard about the photo, Blanchard admitted to smoking pot.

Blanchard was arrest on four felony and one misdemeanor charge and booked at the Placer County Jail. Blanchard's $150,000 bail was posted and he was released on May 6.



Posted by Anonymous on 2006-06-12 10:41:22
f*ck the cops

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