Using The Bible To Explore For Oil?

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Does Israel have beneath its surface an enormous oil reserve mapped out in the Old Testament that when found will immediately change the geopolitical structure of the Middle East and confirm the validity of the Bible to people around the world?

So believe the officers of Zion Oil, a company using updated scientific methods alongside biblical text to explore for oil north of Tel Aviv.

The company, which recently filed for an initial public offering on the American Stock Exchange, says it is making headway--including locating areas conducive to oil storage--and expects interesting finds in the very near future.

"The Bible spells out where the oil is," Zion Oil's founder and chairman, John Brown, recently told WND outside his drilling rig at Kibbutz Ma'anit off a highway between Haifa and Tel Aviv.

"It's very specific," Brown said. "Now we're here to find it, and I know that when we do, the Scriptures will come alive for everyone who hears about it. And Israel will have enough oil not to worry about all the implications of the Arab states using their oil to threaten and gain power."



divining rod for god juice
Posted by damn wilcox on 2006-02-24 17:34:37
So lemme' get this straight, the bible has oil mentioned in it? I'm going to follow the black smear in the sky all the way down to the pot of oil! Then declare it must surely be a work in His name, and of His grace such and so forth. Some very 'christian' jealousy in this company, drilling in their land while looking longing over at their neighbor's oil pot, dreaming of a wider brim.
Surely this isn't a horribly deluded scheme to push religion into contesting the use of science in these sorts of fields...*cough*. One can only hope this company manages to drive itself into the ground as those early companies of GWB that specialized in drilling very deep sandy holes. Man I hope this didn't make the major news, its just too crazy a scheme to work and if it does well, we'll soon be further surrounded by the logically infallible.

Israel Oil
Posted by merker on 2010-08-14 16:32:22
Every nation around Zion has oil, why is it a crazy idea?

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