Bush Intern Moved To NASA, Says "Big Bang" A "Theory"

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In the wake of administration pressure towards scientific groups over issues like religion and global warning, the New York Times mentions: George Deutsch, a 24-year-old presidential appointee in NASA headquarters, told a Web designer working for the agency to add the word "theory" after every mention of the Big Bang.

Update: The guy has resigned in disgrace and more info comes to light on his nutty agenda and that he lied on his resume about graduating from college.

UPDATE: George C. Deutsch, who tried to muzzle top NASA climate scientist James Hansen and ordered NASA web designers to add the word 'theory' to every mention of the Big Bang, has resigned. The New York Times reports that NASA declines to discuss the reasons for his resignation, but that it came the same day that Texas A&M University, from which Deutsch claimed on his resume to have graduated, revealed that he had attended the university but did not complete his degree." The New York Times reports it today, but as of yesterday, it was the Times that had unquestioningly passed along the falsehood of Deutsch's graduation, and it was the blog Scientific Activist whose investigation revealed he'd left before graduating to work on the Bush reelection campaign. For more on the 24-year-old political appointee's interesting viewpoints, see World O' Crap





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