Google Talk Cheap (If You Don't Care About Privacy)

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Today Google has announced Google Talk. This is their competition to AIM, ICQ and all the other instant messaging applications on the net. Since it centers around Google's Gmail account system, you can safely assume this is more information exchanging between people that Google will archive forever and exploit later. Nothing to be worried about, if you are comfortable sacrificing your personal security to a big corporation.

Don't get me wrong. I like Google. I enjoy their services. But I know that online privacy policies are worth the paper they're written on. Any single company that has that much information passing through it, that never deletes anything, is a privacy accident waiting to happen.

Snippet from their TOS on this issue:
Privacy. As a condition to using the Service and, if applicable, the Client, you agree to the terms of the Google Talk Privacy Policy (, which may be updated from time to time, as expressed in the most recent version that exists at the time of your use. You agree that Google may access or disclose your personal information, including the content of your communications, if Google is required to do so in order to comply with any valid legal process or governmental request (such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, or court order), or as otherwise provided in these Terms of Use and the Google Talk Privacy Policy. Personal information collected by Google may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country in which Google Inc. or its agents maintain facilities. By using Google Talk, you consent to any such transfer of information outside of your country.



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