Dell Forced to Honor Goofed-Up Hard Drive Ad

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In Australia, Dell produced an advertisement selling 250G hard drives for AUS$8.80 instead of AUS$600.00. As a result, there was a rush of orders and Dell apparently claimed there was an error with the price, but enter the Australian Fair Trading body which may force Dell to honor the original advertised price.

Apparently, Dell can usually get out of this by slapping up a "We're not responsible for mistakes" disclaimer on their web sites, and other countries honor this, but the cool Australians don't accept such catch-all liability waivers and are forcing Dell to honor the terms they laid out. Makes you want to move to Australia where they actually hold a company's feet to the fire when they mislead consumers.

Imagine if we had that type of enforcement in the states? Watch a few late-night commercials and we'd all be millionaires in beach houses, slim and toned, drinking our Budweiser, surrounded by Swedish chicks in bikinis.



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