Humans Have Reached The Pinnacle Of Evolution

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Maryland computer programmer, John Winter Smith has a noble goal. No he's not working on decoding the human genome, designing a secure operating system, or creating flawless voice recognition.

John Smith's goal: to visit every Starbucks Coffee store in the world. So far he's bought coffee at more than 4,500 stores of the chain in North America and more than 200 overseas.

What a coincedence. My noble goal has been to walk into every Starbucks and scream, "What the F*** is wrong with you people?!?"

At first, he tried to visit any store with a Starbucks sign, but he found a mind-numbing sameness to the grocery-store outlets and airport kiosks that are licensed, but not owned, by Starbucks. So he tweaked the rules for his quest and decided to visit only those stores that are company-owned.

And for a visit to count, he must order a small cup of coffee at the store.

It's a pursuit that he likens to collecting. Some people assemble baseball cards, coins or hubcaps; he collects Starbucks visits -- and occasionally keeps the coffee cups, which he turns into sculptures.



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