Wal-Mart Tries To Shut Down Critical/Parody Web Site Using DMCA

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A college student was forced to redesign a Web site satirizing a foundation run by Wal-Mart after the discount retail giant claimed he violated copyright law by using graphics from the company's Web site.

This goes to show you that the law, which protects parody from copyright issues, doesn't mean a thing against a big corporation who intimidates you and your ISP.

Daniel Papasian, 20, of West Hartford, Conn., said he was forced to change his Web site -- http://www.walmart-foundation.org -- after lawyers for Wal-Mart Stores Inc. sent his Web host a cease-and-desist order last week.

The site is pretty funny. I like this under their "How Wal-Mart Is Helping The Environment" section:
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. is fully committed to protecting the environment. Our dedication to preserving our planet begins with promoting the development of open fields and farmland. We do this by purchasing them as quickly as we can. The end result of this is farmers and others who keep open-air land gain monetary benefits for doing so. The land also then gets used for the production of Wal-Mart stores, allowing for the earth to give back something to the people: a great selection and low prices.



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