2008 Election

Posted by Demosthenes (9174 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

When I was talking to a few friends of mine we ended up discussing the 2004 election and what happened to it. My view on the election if that they gave up the 2004 election years ago to focus on the 2008.(My personal opinion, dont hate me for it). Anyways, we ended up talking about who would be the democratic President candidate for the 2008 election. I brought up the obvious answer of Hilliary Clinton, but then my friends disagreed with me. They said that Hilliary would never possibly be voted into the white house because so many people are afraid of change. She said (my friend) that all the rednecks, republicans and most other men would vote for whatever republican candidate they put for election. Thats when it started to worry me. I believe Hilliary would be a great president, but would we rather take the chance of having a woman candidate or would we stick to some solid white male. My personal belief if still that Hilliary should be the candidate but im wondering what everybody elses view on teh upcoming 2008 election is.

Especially you Pile, you seem like a smart kind of guy.


Hillary no way
Posted by Pile on 2005-04-15 23:40:37
I don't think Hillary has any chance of becoming president, although the Republicans are frothing at the mouth at the prospect -- they want Hillary to run because they've spent the last ten years maligning her and they want to spend that hate-capital they've been creating.

Personally, I'd like to see Jesse Ventura run in 2008.
Posted by connectr on 2005-04-18 00:49:24
I agree with you that Hillary would make a good President, but unfortunately, I do not believe that she will be a good candidate (yes, they are different).
I am not sure the Democrats have a really good candidate at this moment. They need one that everyone can rally around.
go republicans
Posted by Mike on 2005-04-19 07:55:00
Sorry, but I feel strongly against any democrats become presidents, and my biggest issue is they are for abortion. I'm not saying the Republicans are always better in choices than Democrats, but right there is the biggest issue. If you believe ing babies is right, your sick. Think about it, you were a baby like that at a time... would you have wanted to be aborted? I don't think so, and neither do those babies, they just can't tell you that yet because they are still not able to talk. It's still a person, just not as large as you. And if you try to bring up the issue of you not being able to care for it, your stupid, cause it's something called adoption, at least the baby gets to live, instead of being killed. Oh, and if you try to pull anything else on me about abortion being OK, then you must think that people shouldn't go to jail for , cause thats exactly what it is, , nothing else. And that is the main reason I vote republican, but if your democrats see in the future that abortion is wrong, and they have other issues that they seem to be better at that republicans, maybe I'll change my mind. But until then, GO REPUBLICANS. Bush'04!
Posted by Pile on 2005-04-19 10:10:58
The anti-abortion argument makes no sense unless you are also against capital punishment and a vegan. Otherwise you're just a hypocrite and really don't respect "the sanctity of life". So please do us all a favor and be consistent or admit your principals center around your exclusive, selfish needs.
you know
Posted by erg on 2005-04-20 02:28:59
sometimes I wish my mother aborted me before I was born. really I do. at least sometimes. i'm just too cynical for my own good.
anyway - would you really want to let a kid of yours be adopted? I've met adults who were foster kids - they are f*cked up!
And - as if we needed more people.
at least we can spell.
Posted by this guy.... on 2005-04-22 12:41:23
Abortion is your only issue to vote republican? It should be education.
Condi 2008!
Posted by mama on 2005-04-22 22:48:06
Smartest woman in the world...lots better looking and more articulate than Hitlery
Posted by Demosthenes on 2005-04-24 16:26:50
Condi is a pawn of the Bush administration to make them look like they support women.

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