U.S. Was "One Word Away" From Nuclear War

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Historians have long noted that the United States and the Soviet Union came within a whisper of nuclear war during the 13-day standoff after the United States discovered that Moscow had secretly installed nuclear missiles in Cuba. However, what was discovered last year (and apparently not widely covered in the media) was that Russia was in the process of approving a nuclear strike, but one of the three submarine commanders involved decided to not go along with the order.

The information came to light during an assembly of U.S. and Russian authorities for an event commemorating the 40th anniversary. Interesting that the mainstream media last year didn't think that coming so close to world destruction was newsworthy?


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Posted by wizeGurl on 2005-02-25 00:52:18
Whoa. This story came out in October, 2002, and we're just now hearing about it? Gee, why do you think the US media wasn't interested in reporting that restraint on the part of world leaders in the face of real-live WMD saved the entire world from nuclear annihilation?
Posted by Jason on 2005-02-25 12:05:51
It feels like the news media is now acting like the US's babysitter, determining what information is worth sharing with us and what is not. It is really shameful if you ask me.

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