Tucker Carlson: hurting America, hurting Bambi

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From the Washington Post:

First Tucker Carlson was dissed by Jon Stewart. Now, is nature turning against him, too? Early yesterday morning, Carlson was snoozing in the back of a town car, returning from a debate with his CNN "Crossfire" co-host Paul Begala at Moravian College in Bethlehem, Pa. Two deer darted onto Interstate 95 south of Baltimore. The driver avoided one but collided with the other, setting off the air bag and rendering the car undrivable.

No people were hurt. Also fortunately, Begala was bringing up the rear in another car and gave Carlson and his driver a lift. "I'm afraid the deer was not long for this world," Begala told us yesterday. "But as we were inspecting damage, I thought I heard the deer yelling from the woods, 'Your show sucks!' "


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