Captain Posted by EZ Rider on 2009-06-06 07:32:57 | From what I understand, the Nordic countries truly enjoy the highest standard of living, and I'm not surprised to see them numbered among the best on this index (which I will admit I know nothing about). I think someone in Sweden actually went crazy last year and randomly killed some innocent people. It was such big news, simply because those people don't act like that. We're not really shocked anymore about this stuff here in the U.S. Well, not nearly as shocked as they are over there in the Nordic countries. |
Heres an idea Posted by FilFilabert on 2009-06-12 19:32:00 | One thing i like doing is waiting for some guy to patiently take a dump in a public washrooms, i will then yank the guys shoe of from under the stall and take off, or sometimes i will just toss it in the urinal, flush it and run, its great fun |
Go NZ Posted by Emma on 2009-07-13 22:14:20 | Go NZ. We're simply the most peace loving on earth. GO NUCLEAR FREE!!! |
Posted by mikey on 2009-07-16 00:24:29 | at least we are ahead of Kazakhstan!!! woohoo!!!! |