Whoops! US Army Loses 190,000 Machine Guns In Iraq

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The Pentagon has lost track of about 190,000 AK-47 assault rifles and pistols given to Iraqi security forces in 2004 and 2005, according to a new government report, raising fears that some of those weapons have fallen into the hands of insurgents fighting U.S. forces in Iraq.

Ya think?

The author of the report from the Government Accountability Office says U.S. military officials do not know what happened to 30 percent of the weapons the United States distributed to Iraqi forces from 2004 through early this year as part of an effort to train and equip the troops. The highest previous estimate of unaccounted-for weapons was 14,000, in a report issued last year by the inspector general for Iraq reconstruction.

Washington Post staff writer Glenn Kessler discusses a new government report that states the Pentagon has lost track of weapons given to Iraqi security forces, raising fears that some may have fallen into the hands of insurgents fighting U.S. forces in Iraq.

The United States has spent $19.2 billion trying to develop Iraqi security forces since 2003, the GAO said, including at least $2.8 billion to buy and deliver equipment. But the GAO said weapons distribution was haphazard and rushed and failed to follow established procedures, particularly from 2004 to 2005, when security training was led by Gen. David H. Petraeus, who now commands all U.S. forces in Iraq.

The Pentagon did not dispute the GAO findings, saying it has launched its own investigation and indicating it is working to improve tracking.



Posted by Hmn on 2007-08-07 09:47:00
A few years back there was a US Army tank found in the woods at CFB Gagetown left over from a joint training operation with US and Canadian forces from 15 to 20 years prior. Apparently, when they left, they didn't notice that they had one tank crew more than they had tanks for.

Comparatively, Canadian forces have to account for not only their weaponry, but each individual bullet. If you loose your rifle, you're sent back to base with your head hung low.
Posted by Doak on 2007-08-07 15:17:22
Why on earth would the U.S. army be distributing AK-47's - a Russian weapon?

If this is correct, please explain further.

If it isn't, I hope you do better in the future.

This is the very first thing I've read here after seeing an advertisement billing this as an "aternative news site." SO far I am UNDERWHELMED.
Posted by Pile on 2007-08-08 12:43:46
What? You don't think the US Military would distribute AK-47s to locals? It makes a lot more sense to distribute weapons that have local sources for ammunition and service. Plus, I imagine these weapons may have been ones the Army previously seized from the Iraqi military or something like that.

As far as your underwhelmed impression, sorry about that. I'm not sure what you're expecting but you came during lunch-time when the strippers, elephants, and pyrotechnic show was out to lunch. Try again later.

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