The Lounge: New World Lies

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[The Lounge]
It's about time we busted up a new Lounge - the area where people chat about a particular topic... we're going to hit this one hard featuring a video and soundtrack by Rage Against The Machine..


"Voodoo Economics"
Posted by Pile on 2007-08-10 13:30:26
This was a comment put up on DailyKOS. I thought it was worth posting here:

Some of you might not be old enough to remember, but it wasn't so long ago that the forces of obscene wealth and privileged embarked on a con-job as bold as any ever perpetrated on We the People. It was a PR monster lovingly stitched together in the laboratories of mad right-wing think-tanks, based on a claim both so laughable and revolting that if stated outright it would elicit the ethical dry-heaves: Giving really rich people tons more money and cutting social benefits to the disadvantaged, handicapped, and unfortunate would actually help the middle class and working poor!

Thus, the conservative Frankenstein called Trickle-down Economics was jolted to life. Over two decades later, victims of this nonsense still wait pitifully for those crumbs to work their way down the ravenous maw, traverse the endless, greedy gut, and emerge out the wretched exit of the modern day robber-baron’s fat, growing backside as less than glamorous material leached of every shiny nickel.

They’ve waited, patiently, while their pensions and protection were stripped. They stood in position to catch a trickling drab of promised prosperity, as their healthcare premiums were hiked, benefits reduced, or coverage eliminated altogether. Some waited right into their modest, middle-class graves believing to the last breath they would share in the wealth, as CEO wages skyrockected. Nary a month passed when the faithful were assured that one more round of tax giveaways, one last gravy-train load of corporate welfare, and just one, final hundred-billion dollar loan cosigned in absentia by their unborn children, would reap the promised reward. Mega-zillionaires surely laughed at us rubes all the way to the offshore bank even as their contemptous trust-fund brats giggled gleefully through luxury rehab or the sweetheart suspended sentence.

Could it be time to try instead a proven percolate up approach instead of the same old trickle-down scam? If it's worth pouring a trillion taxpayer dollars into Iraq by way of a company based in the United Arab Emirates, don't we Americans deserve a fraction of that money --our own money -- spent here, directed at our businesses, to repair our infrastructure? Billions of dollars worth of infrastructure projects in every corner of the United States await. Gobs of Jobs -- Blue collar, white collar, businesses big and small; money flowing into every crevice of the feeding chain like manna from heaven. And for any neo-conman politician or Iraq War apologist that whine we should put America last and Baghdad first, the devastating response is to make them explain just what flippin country those clowns think they work for.

Politicians of all stripes consider bringing home the bacon to your small businesses and local contractors, for your constituents, in your home districts. By Jove, your voters might end up naming the same highways and bridges they’re rebuilding after you. And who knows? Even the most hoodwinked GOP voters still holding vigil on the drought, looking up at a blazing clear sky hoping and praying for those trickle-down clouds to gather and began to dribble, probably wouldn’t object if Democrats slipped them some green in their back pocket to tide them over.
E for Effort, F for Failure, S for Stupid
Posted by Werewere on 2007-08-17 16:54:35
Political parties should be disbanded,
Less Pres. Powers
Actually giving us some help
goddamn rich people
"ha ha ha! do you think they actually bought it?"
"you should have seen the looks on their faces!"
"they thought it would work!"

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