State Representative Has Speculum, Will Travel (To Jail)

Posted by ueberbill (9834 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Hypocrisy is a word that gets thrown around A LOT these days, mostly in political circles. But how would one define hypocrisy? Sure, I could look it up in a dictionary but that takes too long and could potentially involve paper cuts. Let us instead cast about for examples in modern life. Take, for example, a man who strongly believes (and says it loudly) that those who sit on the far right of the political spectrum have the strongest moral fiber, the best values. No, THIS is not hypocrisy (merely delusion)--what IS hypocrisy is to do so while doing what he's being charged with doing to little girls.

The disturbed and dangerous hypocrit in question is former South Dakota State Representative Ted Klaudt, and he's being charged with a long list of disgusting crimes: eight counts of rape, two counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, two counts of witness tampering, sexual contact with a person under 16, and stalking. Klaudt, a sick son of a bitch if ever there was one, committed all of his crimes against girls at a foster home that he himself was running--some of whom he got jobs for as legislative pages. He convinced some girls that they could get $20,000 if they'd donate their eggs to a fertility clinic and performed the procedures HIMSELF. (He has no medical training.) Five girls accuse Klaudt of doing all manner of things, ranging from "breast exams" by hand to the truly disturbing procedure of taking speculum in hand and going inside them to collect bodily fluids. When the girls cried, Klaudt gave the girls beer and told them to "toughen up." This is a man who, while a state rep, sponsored bills to "prohibit the performance of abortions, except to save the life of the mother, and to provide a penalty therefor and to provide for a delayed effective date," to deny gay marriage, and to make it harder for minors to get abortions under any circumstances. Clearly, a man who has women's reproductive organs on his mind. Also clearly a huge, disgusting, disturbed, mentally ill, right-wing hypocrit.



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