Posted by ueberbill (8864 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

You've probably not heard of the company Smartech. They are the company responsible for hosting the now-infamous gbw43.com e-mail accounts used by White House staffers to violate the Presidential Records Act. They are also responsible for subsequently "losing" thousands of said e-mails. They host a remarkable array of conservative internet domains--republicanvictoryteam.org, rnc.org, georgebush.com, speakergingrich.com (not a lot of folks banging down the door for THAT one). But back on the eve of the 2004 election, Smartech was responsible for hosting another, more important website.

The website of the Secretary of State of Ohio provides election reporting and voter information. Normally, it is hosted by the Ohio Supercomputer Center, a state-funded research facility. But on November 3rd through the 5th in 2004, the site was hosted not by the OSC, but by Smartech. You can see the site report here (check out the Hosting History at the bottom). Now why would a company involved in shielding information from prying congressional eyes be given the job of hosting a site with information for and about the electorate during an election in a state whose electoral votes gave the incumbent his margin of victory? What, pray tell, is up with that? We'll keep looking.


Posted by redhanded on 2007-05-02 15:51:41
indeed! please, keep looking!

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