52,662 Pennies

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Man sending 52,662 pennies to protest rate increase

Associated Press
Mar. 7, 2007 10:54 AM
CARTERVILLE, Ill. - A man who's fed up with higher electric rates has come up with a way to show his displeasure while paying his bill.

Man sending 52,662 pennies to protest rate increase

Associated Press
Mar. 7, 2007 10:54 AM
CARTERVILLE, Ill. - A man who's fed up with higher electric rates has come up with a way to show his displeasure while paying his bill.

Robert Hancock says his monthly power bill jumped nearly 200 percent, to $526.62. So he's going to send Ameren 52,662 pennies.

Hancock says he's worked things out with a local bank to get the coins and with the post office to mail the money. It will cost about $50 extra for postage, but Hancock says that if he can cause Ameren a little inconvenience, it's worth it to him.



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