What Do You Buy For The Totalitarian Regime That Has Everything?

Posted by ueberbill (11036 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Evidently Iran has been getting those e-mails telling you how cheap it is to buy surplus goods from the government and they didn't get caught in their spam filters. Unfortunately the goods it's been buying are jet parts and missile components.

U.S. Customs officials have anonymously gone on the record saying military surplus goods have been purchased by middlemen and then illegaly sold to Iran. This is AFTER some of these middlemen have been convicted of doing that in the first place! U.S. official's greatest fear is that Iran will be able to get parts for their fleet of F-14 'Tomcat' (although over there they call them 'Great Satan Killers') that we let them buy in the '70's ("D'oh!"). The Defense Reutilization and Marketing service says on its website that they offer the "Right Item, Right Time, Right Place, Right Price, Every Time. Best Value Solutions for America's Warfighters." Bang-up job, guys.


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