Water Sprinkler Sends News Media Into Widespread Panic!

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[News Media]
The Port of Miami was hit by its second terrorism scare in two days Monday when a package that was to be loaded onto a cruise ship tested positive for plastic explosives. Authorities later determined it was just a box of sprinkler parts.

The package was initially tested six times, and each time it came back positive for the military-grade explosive known as C4, the Coast Guard said.

The package was destroyed, and a Miami-Dade County police bomb squad determined the sprinkler parts contained a substance that "closely resembles" plastic explosives, said police spokesman Bobby Williams.

Williams said the instruments used to test the package sometimes give false positives.

"We still need to check it out," Williams said.

Props to Gyronic for the great image.


Plastic, plastic explosives
Posted by wizeGurl on 2007-01-10 01:02:17
What's the difference, really?

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