Mall Evicts "Offensive" T-Shirt Merchant

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A mall in Logan, Utah gave one of its kiosks the boot Tuesday after several shoppers complained that some of the T-shirts sold there were racially offensive and in violation of the mall's lease agreement.

The mall manager wouldn’t discuss details about the agreement, he said he asked T Shirt Ranch owner Dave Bethers to stop selling shirts brandishing phrases like “Deport Pedro” and “Speak English.”

“It’s OK to poke fun at Mormons — we’re all laughing,” Utah State University student Phil Leffler said. “The main ones that upset us were the derogatory ones toward Hispanics.”

It’s not the first time T-shirt slogans at the kiosk have caused controversy at the local mall. Three years ago, the T Shirt Ranch was a fixture at the mall for five months. During that time, people often complained about clothing poking fun at Mormon culture and Brigham Young University.

One, for example, features a cartoon of a young pregnant woman with a “Y” on her shirt and the words, “Breed-um Young University” next to her.

“The irony of it was it was mostly upper-middle class white people that seemed to have the problem with it,” he said. “Hispanics were actually buying the ‘Deport Pedro’ shirt.”



It's just a t shirt
Posted by Not from UTAH on 2007-05-24 07:58:01
What do you expect living in the most coservative state in the union? Utah is the closet thing living somewhere that is run by religion...Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia.

It just a t shirt losers, if you don't like it don't buy one!

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