The Love Boat: Uggos Need Not Apply

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[Lonely People]
A Chinese match-making cruise will set sail later this month up the Huangpu River (I don't know how to pronounce it, either). To get on board, men must be worth at least 2 million yuan ($250,000). Women, however, must be "attractive in every category," whatever that means. Over 1,000 women have applied to get on and so far only 30 have been accepted. That is a rejection letter that's GOT to be bad for your self-esteem.

According to the organizers of the cruise, rich men are very busy and the women that they do meet are met at work- and working women are not suitable for relationships or marriage. One of the lucky chaps who'll be on board was quoted anonymously as saying that "appearance is most important to me." I'm guessing he's not talking about HIS appearance.

Modified by ueberbill on 2006/11/14 14:28


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