Media Continues To Mislabel Foley & Hastert

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[News Media]
What happens when your political party seems to be completely filled with pedophiles and those who protect them? What can you do with an election looming?

If you're the sleazy, irresponsible mainstream media, you can do what Associated Press, Fox, and others have done--claim these scumbags are Democrats and hope it sticks.

You know things are bad for the Republican party--whenever one of them gets in trouble, their friends in the "liberal media" label them as being Democrats! Foley is a Republican!

Meanwhile there's now a lot of heat on Foley after he claimed he was abused by a priest when he was young (Foley Excuse #312). People are now demanding that he name the priest who, if he is still alive, may have continued to abuse children. No word if Foley is desperately trying to find some old phone books to randomly pick out someone.

And as if it couldn't get worse, ABC has breaking news that three more former congressional pages have come forward to reveal what they call "sexual approaches" over the Internet from former Congressman Mark Foley.

"I was seventeen years old and just returned to [my home state] when Foley began to e-mail me, asking if I had ever seen my page roommates naked and how big their penises were," said the page in the 2002 class.

The former page also said Foley told him that if he happened to be in Washington, D.C., he could stay at Foley's home if he "would engage in oral sex" with Foley.

Here's Keith Olbermann's complete outline:


Hastert Too
Posted by ueberbill on 2006-10-05 17:12:31
In that first one, they even call Hastert a Dem- the minority speaker of the house!?
And Clinton Too!
Posted by Anonymous on 2006-10-06 14:43:21
As much as I didn't like Clinton's policy, it was sad to see the NyTimes bend over to who knows who and publish this:

In Taking On Fox, Democrats See Reward in the Risk

I sent a letter to the author and asked her why the NyTimes kept "millerizing" the news?

But, we know that Katie Couric launched the spinoff, "Fox News: CBS" because she started off with Friedman who said Bush should be more violent, followed by Bush himself the next day, and, finally, Rush Limbaugh as a closer.

So, if you were tired of watching all the bullshit on Fox and switched to CBS, then, surprise!, "we're back!"

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