Next Vacation--Try Iran's Nuclear Reactors

Posted by ueberbill (9001 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Iran is going to open up its nuclear facilities to "foreign tourists" due to an order issued by Pres. Ahmadinejad. The law is an effort to prove that the facilities are aimed at generating fuel and not weapons. This is probably a trip you won't get through Orbitz.

The law would require American citizens to be fingerprinted upon entering Iran (retaliation for the same requirement for Iranians entering the U.S.). Presumably not all facilities will be available to tourists, and although this will probably play great in Tehran, it of course doesn't prove that they aren't generating weapons-grade materials in secret (read: "No Tourists Allowed") facilities. Plus, I would imagine the NSA, CIA, and FBI would be all over the mail, e-mail, phone conversations, and frequent flyer miles of someone who actually WENT to Iran to visit its nuclear facilities.



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