Jiffy-Lube, Jiffy-Screwed

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[Faulty Products]
What happens when a news team goes undercover, wires hidden cameras inside and underneath cars and takes them in for repairs? Oh yea, well there's always a chance of some anomaly at a car repair place, but you'll be amazed apparently how rampant getting ripped off is, especially at Jiffy-Lube. Watch the video.


I'm absolutely amazed...
Posted by Smalls on 2006-08-30 15:54:15
that there are real journalists left in this country.

Not the 1st time
Posted by whodat on 2006-09-12 14:35:28
Try this one:

now Home Depot
Posted by chappel on 2006-10-31 20:55:12
now this reporter is doing something on Home Depot - http://www.nbc4.tv/homedepotinvestigation

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