Buggy Software Costs Government $12B Annually

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[Faulty Products]
Every year the Government Accountability Office issues a report that gives a brief summary of the status of major weapons acquisition programs. And every year the reports say that many, if not most, of those acquisition programs are experiencing cost overruns and schedule delays in their software development segments.

The problem is huge. In fiscal 2006, the Defense Department will spend as much as $12 billion on reworking software - 30 percent of its estimated budget of $40 billion for research.

There you have it. Is the United States spending taxpayer money to develop the next generation stealth fighter or anti-missile technology? Nope, they're probably trying to keep their F18s' software from crashing.

Nor can the significance of the problem be overlooked. In its summary for 2006, Assessments of Selected Major Weapon Programs (GCN.com, Quickfind 605), GAO pointed out that, in the past five years, - DOD has doubled its planned investments in new weapons systems from $700 [billion] to $1.4 trillion. This huge increase has not been accompanied by more stability, better outcomes or more buying power for the acquisition dollar.



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