April Fools is Upon Us

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[Beating Dead Horses]
It seems once a year, we are reminded that tech people have a marginal sense of humor, as various web sites take advantage of April Fools to come up with what they think are clever tricks...

Check out our list of April Fool's web sites.

First up is Google who announces Google Romance "a new product that offers users both a psychographic matchmaking service and all-expenses-paid dates for couples who agree to experience contextually relevant advertising throughout the course of their evening."

Fark.com is hacked by Guinea Pigs spewing l33t5p34k.

Slashdot goes pink, in order to attract more of the female demographic which the site is sorely lacking. The new Slashdot includes a female-friendly color scheme and OMG! PONIES!!

The Register offers a completely customizeable web site.

ThinkGeek reveals an array of new tech products including a RFID blocking t-shirt, caffeine inhaler, grow-your-own 1up mushroom and a monitor-mounted USB-enabled tanning lamp.

HowStuffWorks.com - How an animated tattoo works?

Blizzard announces Burgercraft, a chain of fast food stores based on recipes from World of Warcraft. Check out the zerg rush all-you-can-eat special.

Homestarrunner.com goes upside down.

2600 spoofs google with 200600.

Seen some good online April Fool's sites? Post a description here!


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