Virgin Mary Shows Up Under Chicago Highway

Posted by Pile (6853 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Hundreds of people are now flocking to a Chicago expressway underpass to view a salt stain some say looks like the virgin Mary. Doesn't it seem more likely if the image was legit it would be Lot's wife?

It's nice to know that God thinks the world is in such great shape he has time to manifest "miracles" of this nature.



That's her, all right
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-04-21 14:21:05
That is clearly a real image of the Virgin Mary. You can tell by the greenish-yellowish splotch located between her arms folded in prayer. That happens to be a guacamole stain that she got at the wedding at Cana, and was never quite able to get out of that tunic again.

I'm pretty sure that detail is recorded in the Bible.
Posted by rory on 2005-04-21 16:09:46
it was a very good story because it talks about the things that god does in this world
do u believe?
Posted by mary on 2005-04-21 16:14:46
i think its her trying to tell people something.
i think she is here in these world and she is here every moment. i believe do u?
Posted by Bro on 2005-04-21 22:22:18
Looks like a huge vagina to me.
Posted by Helen Keller on 2005-04-22 15:58:43
That is a huge lie... Some bored teenager probably went under there and made that up...if you belive that you have to talk to a to me i'll find the best counseller for you!!!
Mary is real
Posted by Lizzo on 2005-06-18 20:21:03
Ok, well, I'm not sure about the guachamole stain on her tunic, but I think it possible could be Mary trying to talk to us. What if there was a car crash on that bridge that was someone who believed in her and was special to her...hey, it could happen.


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