Smogbuster Blows Big Smokescreen

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A new "money-saving" device for your car won't clean the air or improve your mileage, but it might clean out your checkbook.

The MPT SmogBuster Fuel Disc is promoted across the country through multilevel marketing. Scientists at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden say the device is a waste of money.

The $299 disc-o-plastic is to be taped or glued to the bottom of your car's gas tank. Promoters say it significantly increases gas mileage and improves air quality. They don't say how it works, beyond claiming it sends "holographic frequencies into the gas tank and changes the molecular structure of the gasoline."



Posted by Anonymous on 2005-01-27 08:22:58
thats bs bioch yay baby scroow you yay this is fun wow i should do this more often so yay you bioch scroow you


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