Carolina school promotes "simple pleasures" of slavery

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Students at one of the area's largest Christian schools are reading a controversial booklet that critics say whitewashes Southern slavery with its view that slaves lived "a life of plenty, of simple pleasures."

Leaders at Cary Christian School say they are not condoning slavery by using "Southern Slavery, As It Was," a booklet that attempts to provide a biblical justification for slavery and asserts that slaves weren't treated as badly as people think.

This joins other fine books in the school library including, "How the Germans perfected oven technology", and "KKK in Mississippi: pioneers in linen and outdoor lighting".



Posted by Anony M. Ous on 2005-03-22 11:41:04
What is this school thinking justifying the slavery of African Americans? Do they want people to think that Christians are retarded? Because I am a Christian and I think that this is completely ridiculous.
Posted by Anonymous on 2009-11-28 09:25:54
They fail.


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