Homeland security nominee was once a bankrupt NYPD cop

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UPDATE: Kerik has withdrawn himself from consideration citing a "nanny problem". Others feel this is the tip of the iceburg.

According to the Smoking Gun, Bush's nominee to head up the Dept. of Homeland Security, Bernard Kerik, now a millionaire, hasn't always been so flush. In fact, Kerik was once a deadbeat who declared bankruptcy when he couldn't handle his credit card bills, loan repayments, or Sears and J.C. Penney tabs. Think about that when you're declaring bankruptcy: it could be the first step on the path towards working in the Bush administration!


Posted by Anonymous on 2004-12-07 21:15:47
Leave the guy alone ASSHOLE. Do you think you could make it in NYC on a cops salary? At least we know he wasn't on the take like some of you sorry f*ckS
Posted by Pile on 2004-12-09 12:40:55
You don't become bankrupt by having a low-paying job. You become bankrupt by spending more than you make. Almost all of the time, that's a conscious choice and not some "predicament" the guy fell victim to.


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