Remember those Holiday Soda Packs?

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You know...the Jones Soda Company's special pack of sodas in delightful holiday flavors like Turkey & Gravy and Fruitcake?

Then you may enjoy this delightful review of those tasty treats. It's more fun to read than the sodas were to drink, if you can believe that!

A few samples:

"This just should never happen to vegetables. It smelled like walnuts and tasted like something dead from the bottom of my fridge."

"Looking like the contents of a prop beaker in a sci-fi movie, its smell seemed at first similar to anything you'd grab at a juice bar, but the aroma soon intensified to the point where we were certain another coworker has slipped into a closet to satiate a private fetish involving burning his own flesh. And the taste? Unimaginably terrible."




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