Government changes rules to protect their own if indicted

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House of Representatives Majority Leader, Tom DeLay may be facing indictment in Texas. This has prompted the honorable Republican leadership to rewrite the rules to help Delay maintain his post and power in the wake of an investigation into his involvement in criminal activities. Your government at work.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said last night: "If they make this rules change, Republicans will confirm yet again that they simply do not care if their leaders are ethical. If Republicans believe that an indicted member should be allowed to hold a top leadership position in the House of Representatives, their arrogance is astonishing."

House Republicans adopted the indictment rule in 1993, when they were trying to end four decades of Democratic control of the House, in part by highlighting Democrats' ethical lapses. They said at the time that they held themselves to higher standards than prominent Democrats such as then-Ways and Means Chairman Dan Rostenkowski (Ill.), who eventually pleaded guilty to mail fraud and was sentenced to prison.

The GOP rule drew little notice until this fall, when DeLay's associates were indicted and Republican lawmakers began to worry that their majority leader might be forced to step aside if the grand jury targeted him next. Democrats and watchdog groups blasted the Republicans' proposal last night.


Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-18 13:27:44
The good ole boys club does it again...Protect their own. But hey, are we surprised? Criminals in the government? Nawww!(oozing with sarcasm)


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