BSA Show #8: America's Worst Engineering Disaster

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[BSAlert *exclusive*]
Most Americans still aren't aware.. just a few years ago, our nation suffered the worst engineering disaster in the United States; the worst in the world since Chernobyl. And it's not "if" but "when" it's going to happen again. Maybe your city will be destroyed? No accountability. Tons of misinformation about the facts. And your congresscritters sitting on their asses worrying about prostitutes and baseball players on steroids.

Now there's a bill to be proposed in Congress to get to the bottom of this issue, but will it ever see the light of day?

People still think "Hurricane Katrina" destroyed the cities of New Orleans and Chalmette. BSAlert addresses the common myths surrounding what happened and interviews founder Sandy Rosenthol. Please spread the word about this important audio podcast.

Your tax dollars are funding an organization that is building structures all around the United States; structures that ARE DEFECTIVE, overpriced and dangerous. And there is virtually no accountability. What happened in New Orleans is a precursor of what will happen elsewhere.

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Contact Congress to DEMAND THE 8/29 INVESTIGATION!


BSA's photo essay: Two Years Later

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Here's a short commercial produced about the issue:


Posted by thingy on 2008-03-14 01:40:22
Good move getting on itunes. Opened the program and it had finished downloading before I was able to select the window to grab it manually.
Posted by Pile on 2008-03-17 16:02:44
That's more a testamonial to how fast my server is than iTunes. I don't know if you are aware, but they don't host the podcast content. When you subscribe they simply download it from the host site. It would be nice however, if iTunes released info on how many people subscribe.
What a Joke, not the Federal Gov fault!
Posted by GWL666 on 2011-01-09 14:43:39
New Orleans is below sea level. The state and local governments have totally ignored that fact for last 100 years. A category 5 Hurricane hitting with full force will completely destroy it, regardless of hundreds of billions more being spent. It is a total waste of Federal tax dollars, somewhat like the annual forest fires and mud slides in California.
Posted by Lake-n-Lakeview on 2014-08-29 14:07:57
The densely populated portions of New Orleans are all above sea level. The US Army FAILED to protect this port city. More tonnage passes through the Port of New Orleans than ANY PORT on Earth. It is IMPORTANT to have a port on the water, Where else do you put a port? Atlanta? Charlotte? Denver? Dallas?

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