BSAlert Show 7: Money, Debt and Finance

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How does credit really work? Do you have nearly as much money as you think, or is debt consuming you? And how does the American financial system work?

We delve into these issues as well as interview moviemaker, Paul Grignon and talk about his very cool documentary called, "Money As Debt".

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Banks Lending money they don't have
Posted by Janedoe on 2008-01-21 19:08:39
USA banks are borrowing money from China, this means nobody in USA are depositing money in the Bank. If Banks lend money to people who don't have any money how can the banks get back even the principal let alone the interest?

Banks and the Biblical Tribe who run them are more foolish than the people!
Posted by Pile on 2008-01-21 19:29:40
Biblical tribe?

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