The Corruption That Is Modern Banking: Money As Debt

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Here is a multi-part video documentary on how the banking system works: Money As Debt. It's quite enlightening.

Stay tuned as we interview the man responsible for this film, Paul Gringon in our next podcast!

Hear an interview with the author of this movie and the BSAlert staff talk about money and debt.



Good Doc'
Posted by Gliscameria on 2008-01-21 03:11:08
Good Documentary. "Money Masters" is also excellent, a bit longer, but more in depth. I don't know if google video has it, but you can find torrents floating around.

If you have the patience... "The Creature from Jeckyle Island" has TONS of information in it.
And here it is!
Posted by Gliscameria on 2008-01-23 20:19:08
Found it on the frontpage of truthnews...

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