New Domain Purchase Scam Appearing In Your Inbox

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There's an interesting new scam going on right now that domain holders may begin seeing. You're approached by someone interested in purchasing your domain. They ask for a price. You give it to them. They make a very impressive counter-offer, and then the fun begins...

I got this e-mail the other day:
We are interested in

Your name was listed for sale. Please let us know your price.

Our works in information technology industry. Our clients are mainly from Europe, Australia, USA and Canada.

So investing in names is just a part of our investment strategy.

Looking forward to do business with you.

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Anthony Norris
TNG Services

The domain they were inquiring about was one that I was no longer using, so I fired back a counter offer, asking for $20k just to see what would happen:

From: "Norris"
Subject: Re:


Sorry for delay with reply. Today I became a father. It's an amazing feeling! It's a boy!

Let's get back to our business

Can you accept 19,800 USD?

Do you sell domain with a web site or just name?

If just name it's ok. Web site is not necessary.

Have you had your domain names evaluated in the past? I mean domain appraisals.

Without valuation we cannot be sure in the sale price. It's very important for me in terms of reselling too.

But we must engage a valuation company with REAL manual service. So I will only accept valuations from independent sources I trust.

To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companies in a forum
(removed because it's irrelevant and I'm not promoting their sites) but this web address pointed to a fake messageboard involving a fake conversation between various people talking about which domain valuation service is best... and of course, there's no doubt the people behind this also control the promoted service)

Just check this posting.

If, for example, the valuation comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly. It will be fair. I also hope you can give me 12% - 15%

After you send me valuation via email (usually it takes 1-2 days to obtain it) we'll continue our negotiations.

What is your preferred payment method:, International wire transfer, or something else?

Hope we can come to an agreement fast.

Looking forward to your reply.

Ahh, here we go... not only is it suspicious that the e-mail is originating from Moscow, but now this interested buyer wants ME to become involved in some sort of paid valuation of the domain prior to this pending, inevitable sale.

By the way, I really like the "today I became a father" line. Give the scammer a little more humanist characterization. Quite amusing.

When I suggest that it's not my responsibility to engage any sort of valuation service I get this reply:
This is a regular practice to provide buyers or resellers with professional
and independent valuation. Serious investors must be sure in your price.
Without it they risk to overpay.

Anyway, you won't be able to sell without professional appraisal.

Of course, serious investors cannot accept auto-generated services. They
need an accurate valuation made by humans not scripts.

I wish you and your family a Happy New Year!

So the guy offers Nineteen thousand dollars for the domain, but since I won't pay for a valuation, the deal is off the table? Hilarious.

I wonder if this scheme has twists and turns like the Nigerian scams? You get the domain valuation report and it is suddenly worth a ton more, and then you're pulled into a complex negotiation involving bizarre middle agents and dubious escrow services?

In any case, schemes like this don't bother me that much. I consider it a "tax on stupidity" if you fall for it.


the same
Posted by b3rt on 2007-12-29 05:00:51
Norris is father again !
I receveid the same mail with the same proposal...
Just when I put this domain name on
Don't fall for it !
also the same scam
Posted by me too on 2007-12-30 04:01:32
Yep, got this too on my 150 dollar worth domain. hehe
"tax on stupidity"
Posted by anon on 2007-12-31 18:23:20
I thought that was lotteries?
Posted by Anonymous on 2007-12-31 19:07:15
I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a guess or two on the method used here.

Like most advance fee scams, eventually in the deal a middle man is brought into the mix. In this case, I'm going to assume it's the domain appraisal company, which more than likely will be a front run by the scammer, or an associate. After the appraisal is paid for, probably by a Western Union transaction, all contact from Mr. Norris will be cut off, and the domain owner will be out of a few bills.

In all reality, it's not that different from the Nigerian 419 scams. Basically a very small investment to an unknown business man for a very large, easy, payday.

Another possibility, although less likely, is that the scam is being run by an appraisal site itself. From what I understand, Russia's internet crime laws (probably not the correct term, but you get the idea) are relatively lax, and rarely prosecuted or enforced, hence the vast amount of spam that originates there.

Anyway, the victim pays the appraisal company, they say the site is only worth, oh, 15,000 USD instead of the 18,500 USD originally offered by the investor. Hence, the deal is off, and the site owner is out however many hundred dollars it cost to get the site/domain appraised.
Still Alive...with a name change
Posted by not surprised on 2008-07-29 20:41:49
Yep, this one is still around. The guy's not pregant, but he did change his name. I have two domains and parked at sedo that were targeted by this guy.

I offered $100k, counteroffer for $97k. Too good to be true, so I checked it out and found you wonderful people! Thanks for confirming my suspicions.

BTW, here are the emails:

#1----------- wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Your domain for sale has been found online.
>> Please let us know the your price and we will consider it.
>> We make money on selling and buying names and sites. Now the domain
>> business is very attractive.
>> Looking forward to do business with you.
>> Regards,
>> Anthony Sterling
>> CEO

Can you accept 97,000 USD?

Do you sell domain with a web site or just the name?

Domain without content is ok with me. Web site is not necessary.

Have you had your domain names evaluated in the past? I mean domain
appraisals. Without valuation we cannot be sure in the sale price. It's very
important for me in terms of reselling too. But we must engage a valuation
company with REAL manual service. So I will only accept valuations from
independent sources I and my partners trust.

To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal

Please check this blog with suggestions from other sellers and buyers:
http://...blah blah blah

If, for example, the valuation comes higher you can adjust your asking price
accordingly. It will be fair. I also hope you can give me 12% - 15%

After you send me the valuation via email (usually it takes 1-2 days to
obtain it) we'll continue our negotiations.

What is your preferred payment method:, International wire
transfer, or something else?

Hope we can come to an agreement fast.

Looking forward to your reply.
Me too
Posted by Chuck on 2008-09-23 15:41:21
I got the same thing. Same exact letters, different sender name.

I sent him this:


Our company does not provide valuations. It is a common scam for valuation companies to request valuations, therefore we do not provide valuations any longer.

If you are serious about purchasing this domain, please feel free to submit an offer through Sedo, which can be done through the sale ad on the parked page of the domain.

Thank you

in response to this: ------------------

It's a standard practice to show independent valuation to buyers/ resellers.
Nobody will do business without it. I'm a businessman and have no intention
of changing rules which help both parties to avoid additional risks.

Of course, investors never take into account auto-generated vlauations. So
manual valuation is a "must" too.

I read the following information about appraisals at:

Thank you for understanding. I'm looking forward to do business with you.
Updated Domain Scam
Posted by Rick T on 2009-03-13 00:58:23
In the latest version I just delt with, they are trying to make you pay for an unheard of domain appraisal website called domain explorer org (I took out the hyperlink because I don't want them to get a free real link)for an evaluation. Here it is in full:

We are interested in your domain name for sale.

Investing in domains is a profitable business. We are in real estate business. Sometimes we buy, sometimes we resell for making a profit.

Looking forward to do business with you.

Steven Campanella
Vice President
Elite Investment Group

To which I reply that they can feel free to submit an offer. Here is his next response:

"We both need independent valuation first.

Sellers always provide buyers with valuations. This is a common practice.

I don't trust $14 services like that GoDaddy's valuation service. Nobody will do a research for $14. We need a real manual service.

I researched several companies and here are the results:

I wanted to engage as appraiser but looks like this company has very bad reputation
Just read this blog
So I'm not going to accept this fraudulent service.

I also considered, but now it's clear their service is not reliable enough.
Just read this: "Capsule Review: After lots of complaints, AXXXXXX is no longer a recommended service. We will re-review the service in the near future."I was told about manual research service from It costs - $200/hour.

Many experienced sellers suggested me Domain Explorer org as a trustworth manual service. They charge per name not per hour. I've read only positive comments about them."

To which I reply that I will be happy to use a real service only.

They then reply:

"No deal without appraisal from a trusted source. This simple rule has saved
me a lot of money and time. Feel free to contact me when you change your position and let's do business the right way."

So I know for sure it is a scam at this point, so I say:
"Okay, feel free to use your service and I will sell you the domain at this price, but you can pay for it"

They then reply with the exact same cut and paste:

"No deal without appraisal from a trusted source. This simple rule has saved me a lot of money and time. Feel free to contact me when you change your
position and let's do business the right way."
Same experience
Posted by Josh on 2009-03-31 05:46:16
Here is my experience thus far with a Charles Highsmith from Elite Investment Gmbh:

29 March 2009 05:13
Highsmith to Josh

Subject: (sent 03/28/09)


What is the price of your domain?

Investing in domains is a profitable business and our company is
interested in good and easy-to-remember domain names.

Looking forward to do business with you.

If you have other domains for sale feel free to send your list.

Charles Highsmith
Elite Invest Gmbh
NOTICE - This communication may contain confidential and privileged
information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any
viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by
unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message
and deleting it from your computer.

29 March 2009 10:23
Josh to Highsmith



Thanks for your email!


Look forward to hearing from you,


29 March 2009 23:34
Highsmith to Josh


Sorry for delay with answer. Our family was celebrating newborn child of my sister.

Do you sell domain with a web site or just the name?

Domain without content is ok with me. Web site is not necessary.

Have you had your domain names evaluated in the past? I mean domain appraisals. Without valuation we cannot be sure in the sale price. It's very important for me in terms of reselling too. But we must engage a valuation company with REAL manual service. So I will only accept valuations from independent sources I and my partners trust.

To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companies.

Please check this blog with suggestions from other sellers and buyers:

If, for example, the valuation comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly. It will be fair. I also hope you can give me 12% - 15% discount.

After you send me the valuation via email (usually it takes 1-2 days to obtain it) we'll continue our negotiations.

What is your preferred payment method:, International wire transfer, or something else?

Hope we can come to an agreement fast.

Looking forward to your reply.

30 March 2009 02:29
Josh to Highsmith


Hi Charles,


Thanks again,


30 March 2009 08:43
Highsmith to me

It's a big risk to proceed without professional valuation. I already spoke
to industry experts and they prohibited me to do business without

Without manual valuation nobody will buy. You'll sit on your domain for
years in this case, paying renewal fees to your registrar. Just think about
it. So sooner or later, you'll have to obtain an appraisal. Why waste time

As a seller, you can use a valuation certificate to sell names to other
buyers. I cannot do the same because I don't keep control over your domain.

I'm still interested in your domain. Hope you'll change your position. I
simply don't want to take additional risks.

Thank you for understanding. I'm looking forward to do business with you.

30 March 2009 09:03
Josh to Highsmith


Hi again,

I am organising a domain appraisal.

I will let you know as soon as I get them back.

Out of interest, how did you come by my domain?


30 March 2009 20:21
Highsmith to Josh


Ok. Please note I will only accept appraisal from a source I trust.

30 March 2009 20:25
Josh to Highsmith


In that case, which are the top three that you trust?

31 March 2009 10:31
Highsmith to Josh


I researched several companies and here are the results:

I wanted to engage as appraiser but looks like this company has very bad reputation
Just read this blog
So I'm not going to accept this fraudulent service.

I also considered, but now it's clear their service is not reliable enough.
Just read this:
"Capsule Review: After lots of complaints, Afternic is no longer a recommended service. We will re-review the service in the near future."

Another complaint

I was told about manual research service from It costs - $200/hour.

Many experienced sellers suggested me as a trustworth manual service. They charge per name not per hour. I've read only positive comments about them.

31 March 2009 10:42
Josh to Highsmith


Thanks a lot for your detailed response.

At the moment I have on order an appraisal from - is this going to be usable for you?


Suffice to say, if you examine this email closely there are some seriously questionable aspects already. Not to mention lack of responsiveness to questions I have asked (some have been omitted).

Please people be vigilant to such emails, especially when they appear to direct you to a specific "safe" appraisal service. is a scam is a big bad scam

In fact, suffice to say, so to the search engines out there I get my point across... is evil
Had the same mail
Posted by GErt on 2009-05-07 17:51:52

What is the price of your domain?

We are very interested in it. Good domains are wise investment in the
future. Our company is interested in easy-to-remember domain names.

If you have other domains for sale feel free to send your list.

Looking forward to do business with you.

Andrew Weisberg
OB Real Estate LLC
the follow up of the scam
Posted by Gert on 2009-05-07 17:54:18
> We were celebrating newborn child of my brother. I apologize for delay
> with my answer.
> Can you accept 15,000 USD?
> Do you sell domain with a web site or just the name?
> Domain without content is ok with me. Web site is not necessary.
> Have you had your domain names evaluated in the past? I mean domain
> appraisals. Without valuation we cannot be sure in the sale price. It's
> very important for me in terms of reselling too. But we must engage a
> valuation company with REAL manual service. So I will only accept
> valuations from independent sources I and my partners trust.
> To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal
> companies.
> Please check this blog with suggestions from other sellers and buyers:
> If, for example, the valuation comes higher you can adjust your asking
> price accordingly. It will be fair. I also hope you can give me 12% - 15%
> discount.
> After you send me the valuation via email (usually it takes 1-2 days to
> obtain it) we'll continue our negotiations.
> What is your preferred payment method:, International wire
> transfer, or something else?
> Hope we can come to an agreement fast.
> Looking forward to your reply.
oh my god
Posted by Terry on 2009-05-11 16:53:04
I was really sucked into this oh my god allmost went and got a appraisal, Me being out of work and needing money this was great news.

I am so glad i did a search on this.

anyway this is the email i got only 2 days ago.


What is the price of your domain?

We are very interested in it. Good domains are wise investment in the
future. Our company is interested in easy-to-remember domain names.

If you have other domains for sale feel free to send your list.

Looking forward to do business with you.

Andrew Weisberg
OB Real Estate LLC
NOTICE - This communication may contain confidential and privileged
information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any
viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by
unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message
and deleting it from your computer.
Posted by Pile on 2009-05-13 11:35:42
Glad to be of help here.
Same a$$wipe, same story
Posted by xtremetoonz on 2009-05-13 15:42:18
I had JUST parked my domains on and within a few days had two hits from this same "guy". In fact he emailed me twice about the same domain in the same day after my business partner had already replied about it to see if we got the same response. No need to paste the email as it is the same thing listed above. Domains were and Looks like I'll stop registering parking with SEDO.
New Commer to Domain Business
Posted by Mr. Common Sense on 2009-05-13 18:26:40
Thanks so much to all of you above who have great common sense and are good people for taking the time to post your experiences ! I just received the following email and decided to google this guy before I even attempted to respond to his email that goes like this:


What is the price of your domain?

We are very interested in it. Good domains are wise investment in the
future. Our company is interested in easy-to-remember domain names.

If you have other domains for sale feel free to send your list.

Looking forward to do business with you.

Andrew Weisberg
OB Real Estate LLC
NOTICE - This communication may contain confidential and privileged
information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any
viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by
unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message
and deleting it from your computer.

I have not responded to this garbage thanks to allof those above that have posted this scam. But let me tell you that I am glad I did go with my gut feeling and not listen to my friend who I had spoken to moments prior fir some advice given I am new to this and was seeking an opinion. He was advising me to dive into things that just did not add up as common sense for me. My friend was telling me to send him my list of domains, negotiate a price, start doing business with this person and create a relationship and that it did not matter how he located my domain being its public information. The moral to this story is listen to your inner self and always keep your emotions in check and never doubt your other senses!
Posted by Scot on 2009-06-13 15:56:16
I recieved the same email. I have his credentials and trying to contact the uk authroities. Even if the credentials are bogus I still can try and get their site shutdown that is sending out the emails. Sedo does have an office in the UK so I sent them the meail with all the proof I can muster. I have read many articles across the internet about the same scam and how sedo users trying to get sedo to do something about it. Like put up a warning. refuses to protect its users. So could it be is behind this scam? This is only a speculative guess by adding it all up. So take it for what it is worth.
Posted by anonymous on 2009-10-22 11:14:46
Can you accept 5,000 USD?

Do you sell domain with a web site or just the name?

Domain without content is ok with me. Web site is not necessary.

Have you had your domain names evaluated in the past? I mean domain appraisals. Without valuation we cannot be sure in the sale price. It's very important for me in terms of reselling too. But we must engage a valuation company with REAL manual service. So I will only accept valuations from independent sources I and my partners trust.

To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companies.

Please check this blog with suggestions from other sellers and buyers:

If, for example, the valuation comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly. It will be fair. I also hope you can give me 12% - 15% discount.

After you send me the valuation via email (usually it takes 1-2 days to obtain it) we'll continue our negotiations.

What is your preferred payment method:, International wire transfer, or something else?

Hope we can come to an agreement fast.

Looking forward to your reply.


What is your proposed purchase price for this domain?


> Hello,
> Our company is interested in your domain name. What is your price?
> We have a solid investing budget and our company is very interested in
> Internet names and web sites.
> If you have other domains for sale feel free to send your list.
> Looking forward to do business with you.
> Regards,
> Bradford Whitman
> Domain & Web Site Brokerage
Posted by captain planet on 2010-12-05 04:40:49
Can you accept 10,000 usd?

Our client has a 30,000 usd budget for several names. Have you had your domain names evaluated by certified valuation experts in the past? Even if your domain has no web site it's possible to appraise it. Without a valuation certificate our client cannot be sure in the sale price. Moreover, our accountant and tax services always ask for valaution certificates. On the other side, it's very important for him in terms of reselling too. Of course, we must engage an independent valuation company with a real manual service. So I will only accept valuations from independent sources our client trust. We don't have certified experts in domain valuations and use independent reliable companies for appraisals.

To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companies. Please check this blog with suggestions from other sellers and buyers:

If, for example, the valuation comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly..

After you send us the valuation via email (usually it takes 1-2 days to obtain it) we'll continue the process. Do you sell domain with a web site or just the name? Domain without content is ok with me. Web site is not necessary.

What is your preferred payment method:, International wire transfer, or something else?

Hope we can come to an agreement fast.

Looking forward to your reply.
Posted by Jesse on 2011-02-23 15:00:47
I just got this one also a little different, but here's what they said and what I said:


We are interested in your domain name for sale.

Please email us your desired price in USD or euros for the domain name in the subject line.

If you have other names for sale please email us yiur full list with prices for consideration.

Looking forward to doing business with you.


Mark Burnett


Burnett Investment LLC.
NOTICE - This communication may contain confidential and privileged
information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any
viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by
unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message
and deleting it from your computer.

I replied back:


FreeThingsFor.Me is listed at $3,000


He replied back:

3000. Ok.
Have you had your domain names evaluated in the past? Without a valuation certificate we cannot be sure in the sale price. Moreover, my accountant and tax services always ask for valuation certificates :-). On the other side, it's very important for me in terms of reselling too. Of course, we must engage a valuation company with a REAL manual service. So I will only accept valuations from independent sources I and my accountant trust.

To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companies. Please check this blog with suggestions from other sellers and buyers:

If, for example, the valuation comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly. It will be fair. I also hope you can give me 12% - 15% discount.

After you send me the valuation via email (usually it takes 1-2 days to obtain it) we'll continue our negotiations. Do you sell domain with a web site or just the name? Domain without content is ok with me. Web site is not necessary.

What is your preferred payment method:, International wire transfer, or something else?

Hope we can come to an agreement fast.

Looking forward to your reply.

(This is when I found this page while researching this scam) *Thank you*

I replied back:


Sorry for delay with reply. Today I became a father. It's an amazing feeling! It's a boy!

Let's get back to our business.

How about we skip the REAL evaluation and I just give you my bank account information? You can do as you please. Thanks!


P.S. You should probably think about spinning your content a lot more than you do.

P.P.S. Nice try though. You almost had me. :)

No response back.... This one was pretty good though and I'm sure they've gotten a few people. &
Posted by To bad Greg on 2011-06-05 14:46:42
Here's a recent one. I think I'll forget to leave the email and hyperlinks out.. Sorry Greg! (or is it Boris?)

2011/6/4 Greg Shlegel

I'm thinking about 16,000 - 18,000 USD for your domain. What do you think about this price range?

Have you had your domain names evaluated in the past? I mean domain appraisals. Without valuation we cannot be sure in the sale price. It's very important for me in terms of reselling too. But we must engage a valuation company with REAL manual service. So I will only accept valuations from independent sources I and my partners trust.

To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companies. Please check this blog with suggestions from other sellers and buyers:

Do you sell domain with a web site or just the name?

Domain without content is ok with me. Web site is not necessary.
If, for example, the valuation comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly. It will be fair. I also hope you can give me 12% - 15% discount.

After you send me the valuation via email (usually it takes 1-2 days to obtain it) we'll continue our negotiations.

What is your preferred payment method:, International wire transfer, or something else?

Hope we can come to an agreement fast.

Looking forward to your reply.
The Scam Continues
Posted by plmbcrzy on 2012-01-27 17:46:08
Read below emails, needless to say once I uncovered the scam I did not hear back from them.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []
> Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 1:16 AM
> To:
> Subject: re:
> Hello,
> I noticed that you currently sell this domain. I want to buy your domain
> name.
> Please send me your desired price in USD or euros for the domain name in
> the
> subject line.
> If you have other names for sale please email me your domains with prices.
> I'm looking forward to doing business with you.
> Regards,
> David Feldman
> Domain Hosting Shop Inc.


From: "Rick"
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 10:14 PM
Subject: RE: $5000.00

> Thanks for your interest in, I would be asking $5000.00
> Rick


-----Original Message-----
From: David Feldman []
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 12:40 PM
To: Rick
Subject: Re: $5000.00

Dear Rick,

What do you think about 4,600 USD for your domain name?

Have you had your domain names evaluated in the past? I mean domain appraisals. Without valuation we cannot be sure in the sale price. It's very important for me in terms of reselling too. But we must engage a valuation company with REAL manual service. So I will only accept valuations from independent sources I and my partners trust.

To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companies. Please check this blog with suggestions from other sellers and

Do you sell domain with a web site or just the name?

Domain without content is ok with me. Web site is not necessary.

If, for example, the valuation comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly. It will be fair. I also hope you can give me 12% - 15% discount.

After you send me the valuation via email (usually it takes 1-2 days to obtain it) we'll continue our negotiations.

What is your preferred payment method:, International wire transfer, or something else?

Hope we can come to an agreement fast.

Looking forward to your reply.


David, forgive me for being cautious however it seems to me you might be just trying to get me to use an appraisal service you run as a means of making money.

If that is not the case let me know and I will get two appraisals from two different sites and we will discuss price based on an average between the two.

Or, feel free to run the appraisal from your end and send it to me. I would think if you are considering investing $4600.00 (which I would consider a fair offer) that spending $50.00 on your own appraisal would only be smart.

Is "Domain Hosting Shop Inc" a Scam?
Posted by Paul on 2012-02-10 13:46:25
Hi, I just got the first message like the ones above. It is from Domain Hosting Shop Inc with the same text. I want to thank everyone here for posting your comments, so others like me don't fall for these scams.
Domain Background (it may help identify their modus operandi):
-domain is in Spanish.
-domain registered about two days ago.
-posted the domain on about two days ago
-I did not reply to email
-here is the email:

Subject: re:
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2012 12:09:22 -0700


I noticed that you currently sell this domain. I want to buy your domain name.

Please send me your desired price in USD or euros for the domain name in the subject line.

If you have other names for sale please email me your domains with prices.

I'm looking forward to doing business with you.


Mark Rosenberg
Domain Hosting Shop Inc.
NOTICE - This communication may contain confidential and privileged
information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any
viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by
unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message
and deleting it from your computer.
Posted by Jaxinvt on 2012-02-10 21:34:08
Mr Mark Rosenberg strikes again!!! I received one from him quite a few years ago and just got another today. They definitely troll on Sedo and hit any new listing. I think he resent me the letter because I just listed 5 new domains over there. I remembered him immediately as soon as I saw the email. It's exactly the one listed directly above word for word.

Sometimes I wonder if they're backed by Sedo as an extra way to make money.....

Just a thought
Posted by Amy on 2012-02-11 01:17:52
I have a shady way to fight him back but it's not for everybody. I had a fight with Google over my adwords ads and was arguing with them for a few hours sending emails back and forth. Well the same day within hours they cancelled my adsense account for suspicious activity. Said I was sending invalid clicks. Strange that it happened the same time I was having a heated argument over running my ads in adwords and I never clicked one ad. Anyway to make a long story short I no longer have an Adsense account.

What does it have to do with this scammer you ask?

I just clicked his adsense ads about 200 times. If you have a suspended adsense account then you can do the same. They take that very seriously and will suspend his account too.
I don't suggest you do that if you have a good adense account since they track IPs and may disable you too.

But since I no longer have anything to worry about......:cool:
I'm going back to click more. Don't worry about running up his cash, google only counts a few clicks from an IP before they stop counting them as valid clicks. But they keep counting the invalid ones looking for frauduant activivity. I don't know how many sites he has but I think hurting his adsense account will hurt his pockets a lot.

Just a suggestion.
Got this today
Posted by DJ on 2012-06-28 12:39:25
This smells like a scam :

We are interested in purchasing I found it was for sale on Sedo.

Please let me know your price. We are interested in purchasing.

P. S.
If you have more items for sale please let me know your auction links.

Best Regards,

David Aronson


Low Cost Hosting Solutions Inc.
NOTICE - This communication may contain confidential and privileged
information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any
viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by
unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message
and deleting it from your computer.

My reply:
I have it listed on eBay right now


Sent from my iPhone

Email from them:
1500. Ok. Please tell me a bit about yourself. Are you a member of domain forums or
other communities? Did you sell a domain before?

My reply:
I registered my self back in 2004

I don't follow any forums.

1500 transfer via godaddy. Payment via PayPal

Sent from my iPhone

Email from them:
In order to process with the deal I need two small things to be

1. I need a professional evaluation (appraisal) from you.

It should be from an independent evaluation company. I don't trust automated
services from companies I've never heard about.

Without a professional evaluation we both cannot be sure in the final sale
price. It will minimize the investing risks.

2. I need the evaluation service with a trademark verification. It's important for us to know that you domain has no problems
with trademarks. Some evaluators include this option in the appraisal service.

I asked in the forum about reliable evaluation services. Please read this

If the evaluation comes higher you can change your asking price. After you
send me the professional evaluation via email (usually it takes one day to
obtain it) we'll be doing business.

What is your preferred payment method:, International wire
transfer, or something else?

Guys name is David AronsonInvited

The email domain, is junk comes back to a redirect.
Thanks ALL
Posted by Jacob Halstead on 2012-07-17 21:20:37
You guys just saved me the trouble of emailing back and forth with a scammer for days. He just emailed me. Paste below:


I'm interested in purchasing

Please let me know your price.

P. S.
If you also have wedding, sport, banking, adult, short (3-6 letter) names, please let me know.

Best Regards,

David Kaplan


Low Cost Hosting Solutions Inc.
NOTICE - This communication may contain confidential and privileged
information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any
viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by
unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message
and deleting it from your computer.

Posted by Karin Wagner on 2012-09-24 12:47:09
I just fell for this too....appears another site is also

Email came from: (obviously spoofed)

I have notified godaddy - (yet another site) is hosted there. Why is this site still up?

Wish I would have done my reserach first.

The ridiculous thing is... I work for a web hosting company and I should have absolutely caught onto this. However what got me was the fact that I had just uploaded a bunch of domains into the timing seemed right for interest. Well at the very least I can warn my entire customer base......:(
Posted by Rickenbacker on 2012-09-29 12:16:10
@Karin Wagner

This happend to me as well - and I'm in Web Business since years! Same mail, same name, same company. It all sounds and looks professional (and is well done from a criminal point of view). Alas, I found this page AFTER I had payed the 49 Euros for an "appraisal". Now I'm trying to get the money back cause I paid with Paypal. Cross fingers!
Posted by Rickenbacker on 2012-09-29 12:23:59
The "buyer" has just replied:

-- original mail --

Great. I accept your evaluation certificate. Looks very professional.

If I buy it now, I won't be able to sell for two months. ICAAN prohibits
transfers during 2 months after purchasing. I cannot violate their policy.

Anyway, I will keep my word regarding doing business with you. I have
several potential buyers among my clients. One of them is interested in
purchasing but he can afford it after one month.

I will ask him about making a deposit to hold the domain. So if he places
the deposit and decides to cancel, the deposit is non-refundable. Ok?

Anyway, I suggest you not to reserve for one month for that client. I'm
sure I can sell it to other buyers during this month. I will work for 15-17%
upon every sale. I'm very good at sales and will earn us good cash.

Please don't worry. You will not pay a penny. The buyer will pay my
commission. I will do all the job. I've already bought the opt-in lists to
promote your domains. I've invested about $250 in the promotion.

I'm going to use your evaluation in my promotion. Is it ok?

Let me know what you think about my offer. I'm very interested in doing
business with you.
Best regards,
Michael Berlinski


What should I do now?
Another version
Posted by Sucker on 2012-10-22 16:35:25
Just had the following email conversation with a "David Wagner" of "Best Unix Hosting Plans":

xxxx eur. Ok.

In order to process with the deal I need two things:

1. I need a valuation certificate.

It should be from a reliable site I trust. It will minimize our risks.

2. It's important for us to know that you domain has no problems with trademarks. Some evaluators include this option in the appraisalsal service. I need the evaluation service with the TM verification.

Please take into account, I'm not a novice and don't accept free or automated valuations. I asked in the forum about reliable and independent valuation services with the trademark verification option. Please read this information:

If the valuation comes higher you can change your asking price. After you send me the professional valuation with the trademark verification via email (usually it takes one day to obtain it) we'll continue.

How do you want to be paid: PayPal, wire or CC?

Best regards,

Best Unix Hosting Plans

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 1:28 AM
Subject: RE: .com


I would accept EURxxx for the domain.

Kind regards,

Subject: Re: .com
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 10:27:44 +0400

What is the minimum price you can accept?

Best regards,
David Wagner
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 4:45 AM
Subject: RE: .com

Dear David,

The domain is available for sale through

Kind regards,

> From:
> To:
> Subject: re: .com
> Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 00:55:11 -0700
> Hello!
> I'm interested in purchasing .com.
> Please let me know your price.
> We invest a lot on domain names, web servers to bring the reliable, fast and secured hosting solution for online business.
> Feel free to email me if you have something else s.for sale.
> Best Regards,
> David Wagner
> President
> Best Unix Hoting Plans
> ========================================================
> NOTICE - This communication may contain confidential and privileged
> information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any
> viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by
> unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
> message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message
> and deleting it from your computer.
> ========================================================
Posted by Zachary Mims on 2014-04-14 16:11:41
I just received this and after reading all the scam letters I think I've git one on the line. I love the post about blowing up their adsense account, How did you find that? I really hate these scoundrels and would like nothing more that to through a giant wrench in their works. Here is the email:

I'm a broker of a private investor from the Great Britain. He wants to purchase

My client has $457,000 budget for 15-20 domains. Please specify your asking price in the subject of your message.

Our company is in hosting business. We also provide brokerage services for investors.

I'm working with many domain investors. If you have other domains for sale please email m ethe list. I may offer your domains to my clients.

How can we send money to you? I think an escrow service is the most secure way for both parties.

If it's your first time sale I can help you with the escrow/transfer process.

Best regards,

Jacob Kelman

Vice President Investor Relations

Cloud Computing

Bernstrasse 101
Phone: 32 994 15 67
Same Old Scam
Posted by H.L. on 2014-05-29 15:10:10
Thanks for this article. A guy is trying to scam me right now with the same con game. My domain was for sale on for $1000, so he could have easily just bought it there if he was truly interested.

Here’s the email he sent.


From: “Domain Broker”


I’m a broker of a private investor from Kuwait. He wants to purchase [domain name].

My client has $468,000 budget for 18-20 domains. Please specify your asking price in the subject of your message.

Our company is in hosting business. We also provide brokerage services for investors.

I’m working with many domain investors. If you have other domains for sale please email m ethe list. I may offer your domains to my clients.

How can we send money to you? I think an escrow service is the most secure way for both parties.

If it’s your first time sale I can help you with the escrow/transfer process.

Best regards,
David Kosman
Vice President Investor Relations
Cloud Space

Bernstrasse 103
Phone: 32 994 15 69


I replied that I wanted $50,000 for the domain name, which was the amount I got from one of those free automated domain appraisal sites. I knew it was a ridiculous amount. I also gave him a list of my other domains and their ridiculously high prices. He responded:


50000 – Ok. Great!

Before we proceed my investor needs only one thing from you:

My client needs an official certificate of price (appraisal) for every domain purchase. He also needs to know you have no trademark problems. It won’t be a problem since I know an official appraiser that offers this option (trademark infringement verification) for free as a part of the appraisal service.

Of course, you should not use a free automated service like Estibot or similar services. My client won’t accept them. I was working for Estibot and knew they were using automated scripts for free appraisals. In our case we need a real manual valuation.

Several years ago, to avoid mistakes and wasting money on useless automated services I asked in Google answers about reliable manual valuation/TM verification services. Please read this: (“Domain Broker” is my nickname).

The process is very easy:

1. Go to the appraisal site and order the valuation with the TM verification. Submit your domains to them and let them know you have a buyer with $50000 offer so you need the appraisal near this value. In this case you won’t get a low value. I’m also interested in a good valuation and a high sale price because my client pays me a commission (10-15% of the sale price) on every domain purchase. If the appraisal comes higher you can increase the price accordingly. It will be fair.

2. Then send these results via email and we’ll proceed with the deal.

If you are new to the appraisal process I can help you with a step by step instructions.


It occurred to me that he was probably running the domain appraisal website after he directed me to the Google Answers page. I did a search on domain selling scams and ended up here. I just wanted to share my story so others could recognize it if they were being scammed the same way. I’m not even planning to respond to him after coming across your page and others like it.

June 2014 scam update!
Posted by FL on 2014-06-08 05:12:06
Thank you @H.L, i saw your post on UTOPIA also, it confirmed my doubts.

Here is my story:


I'm a representative of a rich investor from Canada. He is very interested in buying "my domain"

My client has $391,000 budget for 25-35 domains. Please specify your asking price in the subject of your message.

Our company is in hosting and web development business. We also help our clients to sell and by domain names. If you have other domains for sale please email me the list. I may offer your domains to my clients.

How can we transfer money to you (escrow, wire, Paypal or Western Union)?

I can also help you with the transfer process.

Best Regards,

Roland Kernen

Vice President | Web Information Solutions

Phone: 32 991 42 36

**My respond. As I am already selling it on Sedo for $60 , I decieded to make it up for $500 , its a three word domain , not much worth. here we go::
=========================================My reply:
Hello Mr. Roland,

The domain is a part of a project that is re-scheduled and because of this is parked for ad revenue (domain ads).

However, for my client needs the domain name is not so important, so hopefully it will do a better job for yours.

The evaluation for the dn was 500$. It is the maximum price and its a fair one, but I am willing to negotiate if you are - please let me know.

Regarding payment and transfer - Paypal or Sedo. If you check the domain you will notice a "Buy Now" button and they can intermediate the process.
** After checking his REDIRECTING website, i know something was wrong. but the HOSTING company registrant was also Roland, so I gave it a try.

His unhappines was ridiculous:
=================================His Reply:
I'm unhappy with your low price. It does not allow me to earn a good commission on this sale. Please note I don't buy your domain. I'm a representative. I buy your domain for my client. So I'm very motivated to finish this deal. I'm ready to help you with the process, transfer and any other things.

I'm not interested in sales under 1000 usd. I suggest you to change your price to $5000. Of course, the budget of my client is not unlimited but he can afford this sum. Ok?
****Who the hell is paying 10x if they can pay cheap? this is my reply as I expected him to do the: OH , YOU NEED TO PAY THIS FIRST, thing.
==========================================My Reply:

I've got an account so we can make the transaction there, please guide me trough. I found a way to get my part of the transaction safe to my bank. Regarding your commission and suggestion, I will take it - due to regulations I cant go too high even If I wanted, but $5000 is acceptable, I'd go even with $6000 if you are comfortable about it.
===================================His reply:

6000- Ok. Great! Before we proceed my investor needs only one thing from you:

As you may know all major domain brokers does not allow listing above $1000 or higher if you don't have an official appraisal. Since the sale price is not low in our case, my client needs an official certificate of price (appraisal). He also needs to know you have no trademark problems. It won't be a problem since I know an official appraiser that offers this option (trademark infringement verification) for free as a part of the appraisal service.

I'm also interested in a good valuation and a high sale price because my client pays me a commission (10-15% of the sale price) on every domain purchase. So I'm not interested in low sales too.

Of course, you should not use a free automated service like Estibot or similar services. My client won't accept them. I was working for Estibot and knew they were using automated scripts for free appraisals. In our case we need a real manual valuation.

To avoid mistakes and wasting money on useless automated services I asked in the forum about reliable manual valuation/TM verification services. Please read this: ("Domainer" is my nickname).

The process is very easy:

1. Go to the appraisal site and order the valuation with the TM verification. Submit your domains to them and let them know you have a buyer with $X,XXX offer so you need the appraisal near this value. After several hours you will get the results.

2. Then send these results via email and we'll proceed with the deal.

If you are new to the appraisal process I can help you with a step by step instructions.

After this message I checked, his appraisal domain is registered in 03 June 2014 , today is 8th June. (WOW) and archive-google is under private registration. Very funny.

I dont expect reply after my last message, but BE AWARE of this ... in few seconds after seing his suggestion I was planning my vacation for the summer :P Its tempting.
Posted by Brad on 2014-12-03 06:47:07
Once again, another version just popped into my email account... This time their email address is which forwards to which I have ascertained is a real UK hosting company, which immediately made me think it might be legit...until I got the second email asking me to get an appraisal AND send a screenshot of my Domain account. So no thank you....

Here is the exchange:

Scam Artist -

I have a request from my buyer for purchasing

My client has six-figure budget for 70-72 domains. He invests in domains with good potential almost every month.

Please email me your desired price.
How can we transfer money to you (escrow, wire transfer or check)?

I provide brokerage services for VIP domain buyers. If you have more domains for sale please email me the list with prices.

Nicholas Weisberg, Ph. D.
Vice President | Investor Relations | Cloud VP Hosting
Regent Street 45

Me (a bit suspicious, but throwing numbers out there with reasoning) - is a big one, considering it has the name of the company in it... hard to find. I turned down an offer for $17,000 on it 3 years ago because I plans to turn it into a website....just never got around to it.

I would be willing to listen to your price, but I'll start it out at $14,000

Here are the other domains I am willing to part with:
(other domain names and their prices listed)

All are up for negotiations.

Scam Artist -

$14000 - ok. My client is also interested in
(two other domains I offered)

Before my client sends you the money, he will require two documents:

1. Screenshot of your domain account. It will prove you are a legitimate owner.

2. Domain seller's certificate from Domain Tools Certifications.

This certificate includes two essential things: appraisal of the market price and a trademark infringement verification. It proves your domain has no trademark problems. If the appraised value in your certificate comes higher we will increase our offer accordingly.

Please send the screenshot and the certificate to my email.

If you are new to the certification process I can help you with step by step instructions.

Me (completely untrusting at this point and also just found this site) -

Appraisal is something you have to do. My offer is $3500 for, $2500 for and $14,000 for as well as $10,000 for the pair of

Again, I have turned down offers on these domains before based on the fact that I, at one time, wanted to do something with them...

I am willing to listen to offers on those domains, but appraisal is at the sole discretion of your buyer. It is not my responsibility to do that. Any legitimate buyer would already know what he feels he can get for the domain name.

As for the escrow portion, I hope you can understand, but I would prefer using an escrow service we both agree upon. A trusted escrow service with great reviews from legit review sites.

Thanks for the interest.

When he emails back scolding me for not using his service, I will report back. Thanks for helping make sure this doesn't happen to others.
Posted by lol128 on 2015-03-05 16:58:38
HHAHA - just rec'd this!!


I represent an investor from the Netherlands. He needs for his new project. The project wil be launched in October.

My client would be prepared to pay a sum between $10,000 and US$25,000 to secure this domain name.

Time is of the essence as he needs to secure the domain name as soon as possible, so his Corporate Communications department can prepare the relevant logos and letterheads.

I am available to discuss this transaction at your earliest convenience. I look forward to your reply.

If you have more domain names for sale, please email me the list. I may help you to find buyers for them.


David Altman

Domain Lawyer

56 Horburg St

CH-4057 Basel

Posted by Marko from Tropoja on 2015-07-29 22:54:08
Hah! These guys are brutal...


I represent an investor from Europe who would like to buy for a new project.

My client is an owner of several businesses. He is a profesional investor.

Are you still interested in selling this domain?

If so, please reply back and we will negotiate the price and discuss the sale process.

I have regular meetings with many major domain investors.

If you have other names for sale, please email me the list.

Best Regards,

David Ben Shimol


15-A Palyam St.



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