Congress To Allow Rotted Meat On Supermarket Shelves
Posted by Pile
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If the new 2007 Farm Bill passes, expect a drastic reduction in quality of food and meat products. The new bill eliminates local regulation of food safety. But don't worry, only 90% of contaminated, spoiled meat is rejected by local health inspectors & supermarkets. You'll still find 10% of that chicken Salmonella-free. |
| A new amendment, called Section 123, was quietly added to Title I of the 2007 Farm Bill a few weeks ago, and it is a huge step backwards on food safety. If passed, it would hamstring state and local food safety efforts by wiping out critical authority on meat, poultry and biotechnology.
The sweeping language of Section 123 would prevent states from prohibiting the sale of USDA-inspected products. This provision could prevent local health inspectors at a supermarket from condemning contaminated meat or spoiled poultry! Since 90% of food inspections are done at the state and local level, the impact could be severe.
Section 123 also prohibits states from passing laws that protect animal welfare, such as laws on horse slaughter and sale of horsemeat.
Finally, Section 123 prohibits state and local laws on biotechnology -- such as laws to review whether or not to grow genetically-engineered rice in a state.
After recent problems with Melamine in pet and livestock feed, Listeria in chicken, and E. coli in spinach and ground beef, we should be strengthening our food safety system, not weakening it! Tell your Representative to stand up for food safety and oppose Section 123 in the Farm Bill. | Details | |
Posted by anonymous on 2007-06-29 11:33:03 | Fearmongering at its worst!
Botulism is in improperly canned foods, or poorly reheated food.
Chicken only gives you Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Listeria. |
Posted by Pile on 2007-06-29 12:34:41 | I stand corrected... thanks.. my bad.. I meant to say Salmonella instead of Botulism.
Anyway, it's still not fear-mongering. If there's no local regulation of food, that's really bad. Once the USDA approves meat, it doesn't matter how long it takes to get that meat on shelves and under what conditions? That's ridiculous. There's no doubt this new law would really make things less safe for the consumer. |
Posted by Anonymous on 2007-06-29 13:19:14 | Why would any sane government hamstring itself at the local level on things like safety? This is a messed-up bill. |
Posted by Anonymous on 2007-06-29 15:20:03 | "Why would any sane government hamstring itself?"
Simple really, the government is paid by the meat industries (through lobbying) to allow this through.
Less regulation = more profit for the meat industries.
Another example of USA's corruption. |
Posted by Simple Solution on 2007-06-29 15:44:08 | The bottom line is that you as a consumer hold the only real power that can reshape an industry in your own interests: your money. Only spend it in places that have high standards you can support. For example, Whole Foods has a detailed voluntary policy of quality control, with third-party auditing and inspection. They're doing it because that's what their customers demand, and they're making money doing it.
Or you could put your faith in government regulators.... good luck with that. In case you haven't noticed, government is run by a bunch of human beings, as self-interested as anyone else, but wielding much more dangerous power over others. |
Posted by spike on 2007-06-29 15:53:50 | Obviously, what's needed is a law that would prevent Whole Foods from implementing those policies, as being unfair to the meat packing industry. |
Kill the Farm Bill Posted by Weasel on 2007-06-29 20:57:44 | We don't need it. New Zealand did great when they dumped it. Open the markets - BUT - be sure to maintain food safety regulations/inspections. |