A Totally Different Kind Of Power Struggle From Cheney

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It would seem to make sense that the operating budget of the Vice President would pay the utilities for the Vice President's official residence (located at 666 4th Circle Of Hell Street). Not so, says the Bush administration. A recent attempt by a Demo representative to keep it that way met with some remarkably stiff opposition, but bitter debate in the House is not that weird--the weird part is who is going to foot the bill now.

The NAVY. The electricity bill for Cheney's Place (possibly the worst name for a bar ever), which incidentally tops out at $186,000 a year (READ THAT AGAIN--that's more than my HOUSE cost) will be put into the Navy's budget starting next year after Rep. Inslee, D-Wa., failed to get an amendment through blocking the move. "My constituents can't send their skyrocketing electric bills to the U.S. Navy," Inslee said from the floor. Republicans were shocked, SHOCKED, that this amendment was brought up. "This amendment is being offered to try to embarrass the vice president," Rep. Ray LaHood, R-Ill., said with emotion. "You don't have any other way to embarrass him so you trot out this stupid amendment." Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., scolded Republicans for claiming that the House floor is an embarrassment-free zone. "I regard the right to embarrass each other one of the cherished parts of American democracy," Frank declared. Hear, hear! I like that a lot better than the Representatives embarrassing themselves, as has usually been the order of the day.





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